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Kern County Fire Department is a fire station, located at 5642 Victor St, Bakersfield, California 93308. They can be contacted via phone at (661) 391-7000 for more detailed information.

"To proudly serve our communities by protecting life, property and the environment through effective education, prevention, preparedness and emergency response."

Tags : #PublicGovernmentService, #GovernmentOrganization, #Public&GovernmentService

Location :
5642 Victor St, Bakersfield, California 93308
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Added by Jopie, at 17 October 2019

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15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    28 October 2019

    In the Kern County Fire Department, fire station personnel work a minimum of 48 hours per shift. This means that most things done in a typical household are also done by firefighters while at the fire station. For example, making their beds, mowing the lawn, and going grocery shopping (as shown here with Station 63’s crew). The crew stays together while at the store so they are ready to respond, if an emergency were to happen while they are there. If they don’t get called to an emergency, they checkout, using their own money, split the bill evenly, and head back to the station to start cooking! #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    27 October 2019

    @cal_oes Strike Team 5809C is strategically positioned at the top of the Cajon Pass, ready to assist local resources if needed. KCFD is proud to staff 3 of the 5 engines. The remaining 2 engines are staffed by Tulare County & Kings County firefighters. These assignments allow us to work with other great departments. The lessons learned are brought back to better serve Kern County communities. | KCFD Battalion Chief Whittington is acting Strike Team Leader. This will be his 13th STL assignment in addition to 15 assignments with Type-1 Incident Management Teams. #kerncountyfiredepartment #mastermutualaid

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  • Anynomous
    27 October 2019

    Station 73 firefighters were part of Aviation Day at the Inyokern Airport today benefitting Ridgecrest Autism Awareness Day. We are proud to support such a great event and many other community outreach programs in @yourkerncounty. #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2019

    We had a great time at the Kern County Sheriff's Office Trunk or Treat event. There were some great costumes the kids were wearing and we enjoyed meeting everyone. #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2019

    Thank-you Discovery Elementary for inviting us to be a part of your school carnival. We enjoyed meeting all the "characters" and firefighter Davidson liked quizzing the kids if they know what to dial in case of an emergency? #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2019

    A 48 hour shift was nearly complete for KCFD firefighters when the call to action went out yesterday. The mission was to assist a flood of other agencies, to battle the #TickFire | The 5 Type-3 engines seen here came from various communities in Kern County. E357, normally stationed in Frazier Park, is pictured providing water for firefighters as they work to keep the forward progress of the fire in check. #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2019

    KCFD firefighters worked through the night at home and away. This image is of #kerncountyfiredepartment dozer operators working on the #TickFire

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    Of all the memories a firefighter trainee will create, these three are certainly memorable: Learning to memorize the features of your equipment.. receiving the approval of your peers and earning your shield.. and doing the dishes after dinner because you lost at a simple game of cards, AGAIN. #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    #kerncountyfiredepartment #halloweensafetytips

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    Kern County Fire Department personnel continue to head out to help our neighboring communities. From the #TickFire to the #KincadeFire | Our thoughts are with those impacted by these fires. Thank you to all #kerncountyfiredepartment firefighters who returned to work to ensure our Kern County communities stay safe as well.

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    The Kern County Fire Department is sending approximately 75 firefighters to assist with fires in our neighboring communities. Most have already received orders to help on the #TickFire | 3 of the 5 engines of this @cal_oes Type-3 strike team will be staffed with #kerncountyfiredepartment firefighters.

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    Your Kern County Fire Department is sending Bulldozers to help battle the #TickFire. We will continue to answer the call for help, while protecting our Kern communities. #kerncountyfiredepartment

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    Kern County Fire Department CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) was honored to be asked by the Tehachapi News to be included in their "First Responders" Section of the newspaper. #kerncountyfiredepartment #cert #firstresponders

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  • Anynomous
    25 October 2019

    The HAZMAT crew from station 66 is always setting the example of mentoring others including the graduates from recent academies. #kerncountyfiredepartment #hazmat #decontamination

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2019

    Every October KCFD personnel proudly wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the CDC, most women who get breast cancer have no known risk factors and no history of the disease in their families. There are things you can do to can help lower your breast cancer risk. #kerncountyfiredepartment #breastcancerawarenessmonth

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