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Kellstadt Marketing Group is a university, located at 1 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Visit their website www.kellstadtmarketing.com for more detailed information.

Thank you for visiting our page. Check out us out also on Twitter at @KMGDePaul.

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #LocalService, #College&University

Location :
1 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, Illinois 60604
Added by Jopie, at 02 December 2018


The Kellstadt Marketing Group (KMG) is a community of DePaul University graduate students, faculty, and alumni who are interested and involved in the practice and learning of marketing.
We focus on providing our members with the resources, knowledge, and connections to become successful marketing professionals. In addition to providing a hub for professional networking, KMG also provides educational programs that enrich the graduate and experienced professionals’ careers.

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12 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    29 May 2019

    Free event! Hear from leaders at MorningStar and Beltone on how they navigated and lead a diverse and inclusive workplace.

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2019

    Are you a depaul graduate student with one year till graduation? This is your opportunity to lead and make an impact on campus! All KMG board positions are open for 2019-2020. Email us at kellstadtmarketinggroup@gmail.com for an application!

    President deadline: June 1st Board team deadline: June 15th

    @depaulbiz @kmgdepaul @depaulmarketing #depaul #kmg #kellstadtgraduateschoolofbusiness #MBA #businessschool #leadership #goals #community #growth #winning #marketing #chicago

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  • Anynomous
    01 May 2019

    Learn how to strategically navigate the job search process in a workshop by Dr. Zafar Iqbal on May 17 from 2-4pm DePaul University. Learn about building and maintaining a network for job search, interview preparation and salary negotiation.

    The workshop is generally for graduate students including international students. Undergraduate honors marketing (IME) students are also welcome. The workshop is marketing focused and participants are encouraged to bring resumes.

    Space is limited so please register ASAP

    Any Questions? Please email us at KellstadtMarketingGroup@gmail.com

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  • Anynomous
    29 April 2019

    Thank you all for making another amazing #kmgsymposium happen!! We were so blessed to have you at our 11th annual marketing symposium, and we will strive to continue to #evolve every year.

    Thank you all again for your hard work, support, contribution, and love to #kmg. More photos to come soon!

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2019

    Here comes the KMG Symposium!!! KMG welcoming team is here to greet you on the 8th floor at the DePaul Center! #kmgsymposium #kmg #depaul #chicago

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  • Anynomous
    10 April 2019

    You don’t have to be a data scientist to understand and utilize #MachineLearning. Come hear 3 case studies on how machine learning can pair with finding brand insights, and predict customer preferences. Tickets are still available! bit.ly/kmg19

    #marketing #business #IT #conference #datascience #computerscience #mba #events #depaul #learn #symposium

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  • Anynomous
    12 March 2019

    On February 22, 6 teams pitched their IoT solution to a panel of Cisco representatives. From waste management to healthcare, the judges were so impressed with every team's performance. Congratulations to everyone who participated!

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  • Anynomous
    08 March 2019

    Here’s the winning team from our Cisco case competition! Alex from the team shares her winning experience: bit.ly/kmglife . . . #kmg #depaul #competition #MBA #marketing #internationalwomensday #business

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  • Anynomous
    12 February 2019

    Have an innovative idea? Submit it for the Innovation Expo!

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  • Anynomous
    09 February 2019

    How wonderful! Those who are interested in learning about sports and sponsorship marketing should check out this class!

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  • Anynomous
    01 January 2019

    Happy new year! Are you ready to challenge yourself? Sign up for our Cisco #casecompetition and score an internship! 👉 www.kellstadtmarketing.com/kmg-case-competition-2019

    #IoT #business #mba #depaul #chicago #marketing #IT #digital

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2018

    Do you have what it takes to win a 8-week paid internship at Cisco Chicago? Registrations are open now till January 11th! #business #marketing #depaul #casecompetition #mba #internship

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