“I love my life, but I know there is more for me out there. I must find happiness, love, and purpose, before I am lost in this world. I grow weary of simply existing. I want to make a difference! I must start my life adventure, before it is too late!”
These were the thoughts of my 20 year old self, as I purchased my one-way plane ticket from Honolulu, HI to Medford, OR; leaving all I knew behind. In my transition I found myself frightened, excited, liberated, and hopeful, usually all at the same time. It was surreal. I was finally going to have control of my destiny. I was on my own (or so I thought) and had to make it work. Retreating home was not an option.
Since my departure from Hawai’i, some would say I accomplished all that I set out for. Since then I have learned that happiness, love, and purpose were always within my being, not at a physical destination. It is a constant pursuit, to better oneself every day--one that starts within.
I love Medford and the rest of Southern Oregon with all it offers. The wonderful people. The beautiful sights, both near and far. The growth of culture, as more people move here. With all the experiences and blessings I have received, I want to give it back to Southern Oregon, exponentially--and I get to do that through selling real estate.
Over the years, I have experienced so much: new people, new places, new activities! So many people took me in and helped me feel welcome. I got to travel all over the west coast. I held a variety of jobs: some I liked very much, some not so much. I met my wife and became a father. Never in a hundred years, did I think that I would be a Real Estate Broker at Re/Max Platinum. I am truly blessed in abundant ways!
Of all things Southern Oregon provides, I have to say the thing I admire most, is the Rogue River. A powerful force, that brings life to what it touches. A force that is flexible and swift, yet ever constant. A landmark, that can guide people home. That is what I want to be as a Real Estate Agent.
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