
Jay Young, Business Attorney, Arbitrator, and Mediator

3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Ste 1000, Las Vegas, Nevada 89169


Jay Young has resolved thousands of cases as mediator, arbitrator, judge, special master, and Supreme Court Settlement Judge.

Tags : #CorporateLawyer, #BusinessService, #LegalService

Location :
3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Ste 1000, Las Vegas, Nevada 89169

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Jay Young has handled a wide variety of cases in many areas of the law, including: attorney malpractice; banking; bankruptcy litigation; breach of contract; business breakups; collections; class action suits; construction; contract disputes; employment agreements; employment disputes; embezzlement; franchise agreements; fraud; fraudulent transfers; guaranties; incorporation issues; injunctive relief; interference with contracts; leases (commercial and residential); mechanic's liens; patent infringement; personal injury; promissory notes; quiet title; real estate; restrictive covenants; security agreements; shareholder derivative suits; shareholder disputes; trade secrets enforcement; trademark enforcement; unlawful detainer; unfair competition; and unfair trade practice. Mr. Young serves as a Judge, a Special Master, and as an Arbitrator. He is a Judge Pro Tem with the City of Henderson, Nevada Municipal Court and has been appointed as a Special Master to the Business Court Division of the Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada. Mr. Young is also an Arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association (National Panel), the Better Business Bureau, and with the 8th Judicial District Court in Clark County, Nevada, having been appointed by the Nevada Supreme Court. Mr. Young has been appointed an Arbitrator in well over 200 business ownership,contract, personal injury, and real estate disputes. Additionally, he holds a 36 hour ADR certificate and is a mediator of business disputes.

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