Jakestiedye.com Happy #FeatureFriday!
Today we’ve got a 3 for 1. Shay, Joe, and London are looking so fly in their tie dye baseball tees.
Looking like they’re about to drop the HOTTEST album of 2019. I know I’d buy it.
From top left down the line; London wearing The Fly Ball Shay wearing The Home Run Joe wearing The Deep Blue Sea
You know you can get any design on anything I offer! Just ask! That’s what Joe did!
If you want to be showcased in a future Feature Friday, send me a picture of you in your Jake’s Tie Dye. And if you don’t have one Go get one! The links in my bio ( along with a super special coupon for my insta family)
jakestiedye.com You. GUYS.
I did it agin. But this time… BETTER. 4 words: More. Tie. Dye. Overalls. (Swipe left to see an unobstructed photo!)
I actually made these because I grew out of my other ones!! I had ordered my old ones in a small… Which I am not a small so idk what Jake was thinking.
Thank you for your time and I wish you a wonderful Wednesday!
Jakestiedye.com Hey guys!
Happy Monday! Have you checked out the new rainbow collection?
Here we have The Russian Blue. Now, you may be thinking, “Jake! Isn’t this shirt EXACTLY like The Bruiser shirt you have up already?”
And I’d say, “Yes! You’re exactly right! But I remade it and renamed it so it could match the other shirts I released.”
You see, even though they’re made the exact same way you’d notice the difference. Tie dyeing is a cool mixture of doing the same process and getting differing results every time. That’s what makes tie dye so cool! Every single shirt is unique to itself!
I hope your Monday is going so well! -Jake
jakestiedye.com Hey all!!
Happy Monday!
I just had to share the other photo that Shay took in front of these mountains. I just love the background! Oh also! The Cotton Candy is a plus! You should snag one!!
That’s all, have a great day!
Oh hey!
Guess who’s back? Sarah Hill!! You may remember her from a few weeks ago wearing that custom design!
This week she’s wearing The Flyball! The baseball tees were a big deal for me to have in my shop. I hadn’t seen baseball tees with classic tie dye on them. So I had to make some for the masses!
Thank you so much to Sarah for sending this in!!
I hope you have the best weekend!
Happiest of Wednesdays to you!
On this Wednesday, I’m wearing The Oreo! Just a classic black and white swirl!
That rock I’m sitting on was SO SHARP. I was afraid the entire time that I was going to split my jeans. That laugh, is a laugh of fear and anticipation for the possible loss of that pair of jeans. I did it for the gram.
So I hope you all enjoy todays photo! I worked hard for it!!
Happy mid-week!
#tiedye #jakestiedye #oreos #smallbusiness #etsy #etsyshop
jakestiedye.com Today The Arizona Sky is making an appearance!
Have you guys seen A Star Is Born? (I haven’t 😅) BUT! There’s a line from a song where Lady Gaga sings “That Arizona sky” and that’s what runs through my head EVERY TIME I see this shirt!
Now the question is: Which came first? The song or the shirt?? 😂
jakestiedye.com Happy #FeatureFriday!
Mark here is wearing The Frankie short sleeve! He attended Wanee Fest this last week and wore my tie dye to make sure he fit in but also stood out!
That’s what Jake’s Tie Dye will do for you, make sure you look like you belong while also giving you an edge to let people know you didn’t come to play.
Mark fits right in to the Jake’s Tie Dye tag line; “For Hippies, Housewives, and Everyone In-Between!”
Also, hang on to your butts because this summer JTD is going hard. New collections, in person events, expanding the product line, and much more! The goal for 2019 is to hit 1,000 sales! If you’re interested in being apart of making that happen, check out my shop!
Welcome to the weekend!
Jakestiedye.com Oh hey, just relaxing on this rock. Very casual. Very not staged!
This is The Electric Eel! I like this one a lot. I don’t have very much green tie dye!
Enjoy this Wednesday!! -Jake
JakesTieDye.com Happy Monday!
Today is me (Jake) wearing The Deep Blue Sea! Props to my sister Caiti, she’s the one who came up with the idea for this shirt. Actually shes the one who had the ideas for 5 of the shirts in the new collection.
Check out the new collection and see if you can guess the ones she came up with!
So shoutout to her!! Thanks Caiti!
(Also I dyed my hair blonde-ish. I think it’s a look. Lemme know what you think 🤪)
Have a great day!
JakesTieDye.com Here’s The Everyday Collection Vol. 3! Which one is your favorite? 🤔 -Jake
Happy #FeatureFriday!
This week Sarah is showing off her custom request!
Her mom, Teresa, messaged me and asked if I’d ever done a multi design shirt. I had just dipped my toe into that kind of tie dye. (See The Black Hole and The Planet Earth). But this one was completely new!
I did my best and my best was what Sarah was looking for! I’m so glad Sarah and her mom have continued to support my business. Return customers make my heart so happy.
Thanks Sarah and Teresa!!
Enjoy the weekend!
Welcome to Wednesday!
Today is all about The Cotton Candy. I had previously made a swirl of cotton candy colors, but I liked the crumple better. I seem to be all about the crumples 🤔. What’s your favorite design?
Side note: those are real mountains like in real life. When I got this photo back from Shay I was shocked at how fake they look. BUT THEY’RE REAL!
Enjoy today!
Anna’s back! For another #FeatureFriday post!
Today she really bowled a strike with this shirt (also had bowled a strike seconds after this photo was taken) It’s The Lavender Love short sleeve and it’s perfect for any outing or event where you want to turn heads.
As you’ll notice, The Lavender Love short sleeve is not up on my shop right now. Do you think it should be? Let me know!!
Thanks Anna for sending this in! Make sure you send in pictures of you in your tie dye to be showcased on a future Feature Friday!
Happy Friday! -Jake
Happy Monday!!
Today we’ve got The Saturn from The Galaxy Collection! Yellow isn’t really my color but, I know some people love it, I knew I wanted to make some more yellow tie dye to make sure everyone was included! Oh also this is a dinosaur we found in an abandoned building that looked pretty sick so obviously we took a picture with it. Oh oh! I’m working on the 3rd volume of The Everyday Collection. I’m very excited about it! I can’t wait to get it together and release them.
I hope this Monday is treating you well!
Jakestiedye.com Heeere’s Nikki!!
Nikki is sporting The Frankie from The Everyday Collection. Very chic, very in, very blue. Nikki was the winner of my 300th sale giveaway and she chose to cash in her prize on the Frankie. A very solid choice if I do say so myself. She’s ordered from me before, but matching 4th of July tie dye and matching dip dyes. She and her daughter Brynn have been the talk of the town since July! (Not a real fact. But it should be.)
Thank you Nikki for supporting my business and congrats on winning the giveaway!!
Happy weekend! -Jake
jakestiedye.com Happy Monday y’all!
Today I’m wearing The Space Race. I named it The Space Race because it reminded me of the space race You know, the white shirts of the scientists making the rocket, the grey and red from the spaceship? If you’re having trouble picturing it, look up pictures from the movie Hidden Figures! Lol I sound nuts. I really don’t know why this one has a tie to a real life event, but regardless I really like how it turned out!! I hope you do too!!
jakestiedye.com Happy #FeatureFriday!
Today we have my good friend Teresa! She’s wearing an all red swirl hoodie! Also, if you look close enough, you’ll see her red tie dyed “no show” socks!
Teresa and I have become friends over the last several months through my shop. She originally found me when she ordered her granddaughter one of my pastel toddler hoodies. Then she got into ordering tie dye for herself. She’s most recently gotten into sending me items to tie dye for her. It’s a blast! Thank you Teresa for sending this in. And thank you for continuing to support my small business!
If you’ve found something that you’d like tie dyed, shoot me a message and maybe I can dye it for you!
This weekend is gonna be great, I can feel it!