Announcing the official 2019 Jailhouse Rock Beerfest band lineup!!! #jailhouserockbeerfest #beerfest #bandlineup #jailhouserock #rock #tantric #blackcoffee #theworldiknew #8lbpressure #suicidetoyz
The Jailhouse Rock Beerfest band lineup is coming soon! Who do you think it will be? #jailhouserockbeerfest #lickingcountyhistoricjail #lcgps #oldlickingcountyjail #canalmarketdistrict #beerfest #jailhouserock #bandlineup #rock
Photos of Absolute Hero from Jailhouse Rock 2018!
August 31st 2019 | 5-10pm | Tickets: Available May 1st! Location: Canal Market District & Licking County Historic Jail 46 South 3rd Street, Newark, OH 43055
Time: 5pm to 10pm (Early Admission @ 4:00pm)
Breweries: Info coming soon!
Band lineup: Tantric The World I Knew 8lb Pressure Suicide Toyz More TBA
Food Vendors: Info coming soon!
If you would like more information please contact:
Some photos of XFACTOR1 and Liquid6Teen from the Jailhouse Rock Beerfest 2018!
Save the date and get ready to ROCK!
Sorry for the delay everyone! But without further adieu, the winner of the 2018 People's Choice Award is Trek Brewing Company! Congratulations guys! Thanks to everyone who came out to the Beerfest, sampled lots of brews and voted for this year's winner!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thanks to all the breweries, bands, patrons and sponsors that rocked out with us this year! We had such an awesome event and hope that everyone had a great time! Cheers to all and thanks again!
Suicide Toyz rockin
Funknado live tonight at the beerfest
Coming to you live with Absolute Hero
Brave The Sea live at the Jailhouse Rock Beerfest
Jailhouse Rock has our first official beer!!! Let’s tap it!!!
TODAY IS THE DAY! The event opens at 4:00pm at the Canal Market! Music starts at 4:30pm on the Parking Garage! We've got tons of awesome brews, bands, and other great stuff planned! You definitely don't want to miss out on this evening full of fun!
TOMORROW! TOMORROW! TOMORROW! The Jailhouse Rock Beerfest is tomorrow! Get ready for some awesome brews and rockin' music!
Don't miss the show! We have an AMAZING lineup! Music starts at 4:30pm on Saturday! Hope Dealers, Brave The Sea, Sever ItAll, Absolute Hero, Funknado, Suicide Toyz, Liquid6Teen and XFACTOR1!