
Serving Central & East Alabama as the official U.S. Pony Club group centered in Auburn-Opelika , AL

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #HorseRidingSchool, #EquestrianCenter

Location :
1300 Lee Road 400, Opelika, Alabama 36804


Our Core Values:

Horsemanship with respect to healthcare, nutrition, stable management, handling and riding a mount safely, correctly and with confidence

Organized teamwork including cooperation, communication, responsibility, leadership, mentoring, teaching and fostering a supportive yet competitive environment

Respect for the horse and self through horsemanship; for land through land conservation; and for others through service and teamwork

Service by providing an opportunity for members, parents, and others to support the Pony Club program locally, regionally and nationally through volunteerism

Education at an individual pace to achieve personal goals and expand knowledge through teaching others

The Pony Club Pledge:

As a member of The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as horsemanship. I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning and losing in stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavor to maintain the best traditions of the ancient and noble skill of horsemanship, always treating my horse with the consideration due a partner.