We are registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the U.S. IRS.
Thank you again Ana for delivering the Doppler's and money to MIDSON/Dr. Laxmi Tamang on behalf of HAND and Global Orphan Prevention!
Thanks so much to Ana Verzone and her wonderful family for hand delivering the 9 new Doppler's from HAND and Global Orphan Prevention to Dr. Laxmi Tamang at MIDSON as our joint effort to save the babies in remote regions of Nepal Continues!
Another great video from Global Orphan Prevention about both life in Nepal since the earthquakes and the birthing centers being put up in several districts in Nepal. HAND and GOP are currently in the process of sending over 10 more new Doppler's to be used on pregnant mothers in these new birthing centers.
A nice article on Eric. We had a great partnership on this years earthquake relief mission between HAND, Global Orphan Prevention and Midwifery Society of Nepal.
We are grateful for our partnership with Global Orphan Prevention and Midwifery Society of Nepal During our two months of earthquake relief work in Nepal!
The HAND/Global Orphan Prevention/MIDSON team has completed another birthing center in Nuwakot District. We had a rough drive in with monsoon soaked road and deep mud. We push our vehicles many times to get through to Bungtang village. We departed early so even with the challenging drive we got to the village in the afternoon. Our two tent birthing center design had to be modified to fit the sloping land. Eric and I created a plan to make a dry entrance from the still standing building into the tents. Just minutes after we put the final heavy duty tarp on a monsoon unleashed. This was a true test of our tent system. The inside of our tents were 100% dry. The monsoon was so strong we had to dig our trenches nearly two feet wide and a foot deep. Even these large trenches filled within minutes but worked perfectly. We are planning to make a shift to even more solid semi permanent structures for the future missions. This plan will increase our costs but last for two to three years.
Heading out early again for a mission on the north border of Nuwakot in Bungtang. Monsoons are predicted everyday so its going to be rough. We will sleep in the village hopefully only one night and make a run for it between rains. We will be setting up the birthing center and providing two 12x12 community tents.
Mission accomplished in Rautbesi! This is baby number two, born in the HAND/MIDSON/ Global Orphan Prevention birth tent! Three weeks ago, there was no place for the 78 currently pregnant women to give birth, after their VDC health post was completely destroyed in the earthquake. Amber Shields was critical to this mission by providing both medical supplies brought from the USA and training to the local nurse.
Curtis Gt, Tendi Sherpa, Eric Warren Moffet, Robin Keunen, Laxmi Tamang, Daniel Tamang, Reji Tamang all provided amazing teamwork in our mission to save the babies. Curtis, Laxmi and I had the honor of doing two food supply missions to Rautbesi. In total we provided 16,000 lbs of rice, dhal, oil and salt in addition to the birthing tent and medical supplies.
Mission accomplished in Nuwakot!
Here is a report and photos from our team member Coleen-
Success on this sweet venture! We left yesterday morning out to Nuwakot District, wanting to set up two birthing sites in separate remote villages. After a difficult drive, we arrived to Thakura Village and began setting up the tentswell, the rest of the team didand I admit, I had to play with the children! So while they worked hard and long, I broke out the bubbles and stickers and we had ourselves some fun smile emoticon these mountain people are absolutely beautiful, and although so many of them have had their homes completely destroyed, they exhibit a resourcefulness and strength that would put many of us to shame. We were honored to be there and help them.
That night we had a monsoon deluge! It rained so hard that the guys' tent completely flooded, and I awoke in the middle of the night to sounds of thunder clapping and the guys with shovels and pickaxes digging a trench to fix the mini river flowing thru their tent. In the morning we finished up the details and were about to head out when we got word of a rock blocking the road out It was a boulder the size of a VW bug and half as high! Out came the shovels and pickaxes again, and they cleared a path between the boulder and mountain side. We said our goodbyes and drove off, only to find that someone had beat us to the rockand had gotten themselves thoroughly stuck! Three hours laterand this time we were on our way. We would have to postpone our second site as there was no way to navigate the road to the next village safely in the dark.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us. The aftershocks continue (we had six just this morning!), and this health post was badly cracked throughout. These precious women have a safer place to deliver their babies smile emoticon
I like when our team members send out their views from our missions, through their eyes and photos. We returned from our latest mission at 3:30am. Coleen did a fantastic job describing it. I was unfortunately in the same vehicle as Coleen, Komal and Eric. I was pretty sure that we were going to die for the first three hours of our trip as our driver insisted on making 70kpm passes on blind corners with oncoming trucks and giant drop offs on both sides, on top of him havin
Continue ReadingUpdate from Laxsmi on taking our birthing tents to the next level in Rautbesi. Thank you Laxmi!
In the birthing tents that we team from HAND, GOP and MIDSON had set up in our last visit in Rautbesi VDC, Nuwakot Save the Children recently donated Newborn table has also placed.
I handed over Amber Shields bought supplies and equipments such as filled up 2 Oxygen cylinders with regulators, 2 matrix with pillows, Doppler, Apron, Boots, 2 stand fans, etc for the Birthing Centre.
Both Auxiliary Nurse-Midwife, Kanchanmala Shrestha and Health Post Incharge, Satis Marahatta were so much happy and asked me to convey heartfelt thanks to Amber and her team members who were very much thoughtful generous to come and support them in this critical situation.
A report from Laxmi on the incredible contribution that HAND volunteer nurse Amber Shields gave to our earthquake relief missions here in Nepal. Thank you again Amber!
Last night we have to say bye bye to our dearest lovely kind hearted thoughtful professional sister, Amber Shields a Registered Nurse of Labour and Delivery Ward in USA who visited Nepal first time and won the heart, head and hands for the sake of humanity of everyone who knows her in Nepal.
In a short trip to Nepal to help earthquake survivors from her level best she visited Rautbesi and District Hospital in Nuwakot and Melachmi Primary Health Care Centre and Ichowk VDC of Sindhupalchowk to set up birthing tents and distributing postnatal kits. She purchased worth NPR 50,000 equipments and supplies (2 set up filled up Oxygen Cylinders, 2 pieces of matrix with pillo, 2 stand fans, apron, gum boot, oxygen mask, etc as per the request of the Auxiliary Nurse-Midwife of Rautbesi Health Facility) and also donated other medical supplies such as Doppler, BP set instruments, etc for Rautbesi birthing centres which I am taking there today to handover. Besides she has given too many other equipments, supplies and materials to Midwifery Society of Nepal that she has brought from USA. She also bought 13 pieces of book, "Where Women Have No Doctor?" for our nurse-midwives.
We are always looking forward to see and welcome here in Nepal in the days to come as well.
Have safe journey back home and meet you in the facebook