Good luck to all our deer hunters out there. Quick tip: This weekend will be cold, after coming in from the cold to where its warmer, check your guns for condensation after 15 min. Wipe off with a towel. Even if they are well oiled, they can still rust. Yes even stainless.
We will be closing today at 5:00 PM. Happy Halloween everyone.We will be closing today at 5:00 PM. Happy Halloween everyone.
Savage Model 10 in 444 marlin? Yes because we can. With Wilk Shawn Shane
Tomorrow Wednesday May 23rd we will be closing at 5:45. We will resume normal business hours Thursday.
Jeff Forbush 4Bush Weapons Refinishing Systems you rocked it on this one. After we machined this slide and you worked your magic, it really came together. #onestopshop
This is an M&P 40 we converted to 9 mm with a fitted Apex barrel. We also installed an Apex Tactical aluminum Flat Faced Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit tuned to 3lbs with about 1/8th inch reset which is what Wilk Shane asked for. We installed the Tg-H3 tritium fiber-optic night sights as well. #OneStopGunShop
We will not be open Saturday April 14th. Normal business hours will resume Monday April 16th
It’s truly how it works! #OneStopGunShop
The mad scientist is at work! #OneStopGunShop
Who’s gonna come keep Shane company?
If you’re looking for an awesome shooting club to shoot check out the Top Gun Sportsman’s club. The amenities are amazing. Stockton lake, Club house, golf carts, cabin on the lake... Check them out.