Hartford City Mission is a community of folks who are trying to learn what it means to
follow Jesus and live like Him in the context of Hartford’s northend neighborhood. We do
this, in part, through some regular gatherings of smaller tribes within the ministry, some
which take place in our Vine Street ministry house (‘the Vine’), and others in nearby
schools and church buildings.
In 2012, these gatherings included Noah After School, Camp Noah, Hartford YoungLife,
Hartford WyldLife, the Vine Street Blockwatch, and the Community of the Vine. HCM also
sponsors a summer internship program for young adults and a youth employment and
leadership development initiative - the StreetLeader program.
You can reach us at the Vine - 280 Vine Street, Hartford, CT 06112. Our phone number is
860.246.0132. Our mailing address is PO Box 320397, Hartford, CT 06132. Give us a call or
check out our website for more information about how you can get involved:
hartfordcitymission.org. HCM is a not-for-profit ministry that relies on the gifts and
donations of our friends. Thanks for your prayers and support.
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