
The finest nature and culture-oriented trips into tropical regions of Latin America. Amazon Cruises. Rainforest Lodges. www.GreenTracks.com

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GreenTracks provides the finest nature and culture-oriented trips into tropical regions of Latin America. Founded in 1992 by prominent tropical biologists, GreenTracks has delivered memorable adventures with expert guidance to thousands of vacationers. Rainforest flora and fauna, ruins hidden in the jungle, Amazon riverboats, lost cultures and living cultures – destinations that will awe and inspire. This is travel with GreenTracks.

2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    04 May 2018

    Dante Fenolio is leading a Photography Workshop in a remote area of the Amazon from Iquitos, Peru. This week-long expedition is a chance to live and breath tropical photography alongside a noted Biologist and Photographer.

    “Here is the plan: Revisit a nice stand of rainforest that I haven't seen in some years. This one takes a little bit more effort to get to. The river we will follow is a nice area for all sorts of things and I want to indulge cameras to the max! The agenda ...is simple: hit the forest, photography, eat, photography, sleep, photography, repeat. There will be trails and plenty of opportunities for leisurely hunting for subjects to photograph. Also, it would be a chance to share tips and insights about taking photos in tropical habitats. We are going to charter a boat (with crew, food, fuel, a place to charge electronics, and a comfortable dry place to sleep). I’m bringing one of my all-time-best Peruvian field hands. We are going to find some great wildlife. Expect a night hike each evening and plenty of daytime photographic activities.”

    We have room for 3 people. September 22 - 29, 2018. Contact: info@GreenTracks.com

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2018

    The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera), native to Tahiti, was established in Latin America over two centuries ago. Today, this palm is a dominant element of many a beach in Central- and South America. On the Amazon it is not uncommon and stopping during a hot day for a refreshing drink of coconut milk is one of the tropic's finer experiences. A mature Coconut Palm can reach as much as a hundred feet and a mature coconut can weigh over three pounds. Not surprisingly, falling coconuts kill about thirty times as many people per year as sharks do!

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