
“Gosh that’s the best tasting cookie I’ve ever had.” That was the reaction to Kathy’s sugar cookie recipe when she first started making them for family and friends. Add creative design to the recipe and the rest is history. Green Plate Bakery brings delicious creative cookies to your door. We work with you to produce just the right creative moment with our cookies for whatever event you have planned.

Kathy Marras loves her family, baking, and the young minds she gets to help mold in her classroom. Her family is always willing to help if a cookie or two get broken in the frosting process. She loves the challenge of a new dessert design. Nothing to her is more enjoyable than an afternoon of baking. Green Plate Bakery looks for just the right creative (& delicious) element for each client’s special occasion.

Tags : #GroceryStore, #CupcakeShop, #WholesaleBakery

Location :
7051 Fairhaven Oval Dr, Medina, Ohio 44256