The WeAreLightsOfTheValley campaign serves to inspire prospective students, current students, potential donors, and alumni through recognizing the profound achievement of current students and alumni. [read more]
ジョージアサウスウェスタン州立大学.. [read more]
Southern Polytechnic State University was a public, co-educational, state university in Marietta, Georgia, United States approximately northwest of downtown Atlanta. [read more]
All of the Ambassadors are here to make everyone feel welcome and feel comfortable! We love our job and people around us. GO BULLDOGS!. [read more]
Antioch was established in 1968 to teach the Bible to those who wish to serve the Lord. We are here to help you know more about the Lord Jesus Christ through His Word. [read more]
SHULAR Institute is a community-based hospitality offering developed to redefine the purpose of food service and business management through our modern global curriculum and diverse local.. [read more]
The Point University Savannah site is located on the campus of Compassion Christian Church. The Savannah location currently employs four full-time professors and twenty-five adjunct professors.. [read more]
Webster personalizes education to meet specific goals and schedule demands while maintaining full-time employment or actively serving in the military. [read more]
The place where we celebrate our proud 2020 graduates! The virus didn't stop you from achieving your goal. Show everyone how you persevered despite the circumstances by proudly wearing your.. [read more]
Университет Эмори — частный исследовательский университет США, расположенный в Атланте, штат.. [read more]
A Holistic Medicine Ministry and Educational Institution providing certifications and degreed studies in Chi Kung & Natural Medicine. [read more]
This page was created to give you and idea about the basics of this course and because it is new, an opportunity for you to help shape it with your ideas and suggestions. [read more]
Participate in emotion research at UGA. Email canlab@uga. edu or call 706-510-7101. . [read more]
Finish your degree with Reinhardt or earn one of our graduate degrees – online and on campus. Reinhardt University offers adult students the flexibility to earn a degree from a fully.. [read more]
Criticare Medical Institute is Career School that offers programs in the field of EMS such as EMT, Nursing, and other Allied Healthcare. We offer AHA Certificate courses like First Aid CPR AED,.. [read more]
The Office of Internationalization furthers GGC’s mission to develop globally competent citizens. We provide opportunities for intercultural awareness and mutual understanding and respect,.. [read more]
Keep up with Dry Valley's WMU events and projects!. [read more]
NGBC is a local church ministry that is designed to prepare men and women for serving the Lord. The college will provide training for Preachers, Christian School Teachers, Evangelists, Youth.. [read more]
Here, you'll find a vibrant campus life - with a full calendar of activities and events, over 40 clubs on campus, an active student government, arts performances, intercollegiate athletics.. [read more]
Meetings: We meet biweekly on Tuesdays @5 P. M Look for locations and Facebook Events to stay in touch! Questions? Send us a message!. [read more]
The NS&FP office provides information and support for Emory students and alumni/ae in pursuit of nationally competitive merit awards. . [read more]
Men & Women's Oglethorpe Tennis. [read more]
Kennesaw State University is a public, coeducational, research-oriented institution with the main campus located in Kennesaw, Georgia, approximately 20mi northwest of Atlanta. [read more]
This page is for the Life University Men's Soccer program. Life University is an NAIA Institution in the Mid-South Conference. 2019 Regular Season MSC Champions 2019 MSC Coach of the Year 2019.. [read more]
A historically black liberal arts college for women located in Atlanta, Georgia. . [read more]
Gray College Planning helps families with children approaching college create a plan to provide the best value for the money spent on higher education. [read more]
The Oxford Program is one of the most unique experiences GT offers. Visit http://oxford. gatech. edu/ to begin your journey. . [read more]
The Walter F. George School of Law (also known as Mercer University School of Law or Mercer Law School), founded in 1873, is one of the oldest law schools in the United States and is the.. [read more]
Terence Dillard is the "Assistant Principal" of Booker T. Washington High School and he owns a baseball team titled “Sandtown Braves”. . [read more]
Our goal is to promote understanding and involvement among all members of the university community; to represent and advocate the interest of the student body. [read more]
GMC Cadet Admissions is a page developed by Cadet Admissions to provide information to future students of the Corps of Cadets Program. Click the "contact us" bottom for additional information on.. [read more]
Chinese culture, funny activities, the Emory Univeirsty, Oxford campus. [read more]
The Reinhardt University Fly Fishing and Cold Water Conservation Club is a TU Costa 5 Rivers program. . [read more]
We are the Department of Biological Sciences at Reinhardt University. We are dedicated to educating tomorrows scientific thinkers through critical thinking, engaged learning, and.. [read more]
L'Università Emory è una università privata degli Stati Uniti situata nell'area metropolitana della città di Atlanta, Georgia. L'università è stata fondata nel 1836 e prende il nome dal.. [read more]
佐治亚州立大学法学院是位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市中心的一所法学院。成立于1982年,它由美国律师协会认证,是的成员。除了法学博士学位外,法学院还与佐治亚州立大学的其他学院提供联合学位课程,包括工商管理硕士、公共管理硕士、哲学硕士、城市和区域规划硕士、健康管理科学硕士。借助于毗邻佐治亚州议会、大型律师事务所和500强公司总部的优势,通过实习和法律援助项目,法学院的教育质量得到加强。此外,法学院还有诸如HeLP法律诊所和税务法律诊所等法律诊所,允许学生获得亲身参与的实践经验,同时也为当地社区做出贡献。法学院提供灵活的全日制和兼职课程,以满足各类学生的需求。法学院2015-2016学年的总费用(包括学费、杂费和生活费用)为本州居民32,958美元,非本州居民52,556美元。历史早在20世纪70年代初,佐治亚州立法者和学术领导人已经就建立一所新的法学院而辩论。最终,佐治亚州立大学法学院于1981年被州董事会批准。法学院在其成立的第一年招收了200名学生,由6名教授授课。大多数学生是兼职的,许多人在晚上上课,因为他们在白天有全职工作。该学院的首批七名毕业生于1984年12月获得学位。到第一个十年结束时,全职教师已增至31人,其中近一半是妇女。排名法学院被美国“新闻与世界报道”评为第56名最佳法学院。法学院拥有一个知名的医疗健康法(全国排名第3)和兼职项目(全国排名第14)。根据使用了更多关注学生成果而不是投入的指标的“Above The Law”,法学院排名第33位。此外,GSU被“普林斯顿评论”评为全国顶尖法学院。“最佳价值法学院”佐治亚州立大学法学院以其低学费(本州居民每年15,154美元)和良好的学术声誉而闻名,已多次荣获全国“最佳价值法学院”。“全国法学家”杂志在2008 - 2012年连续五年将佐治亚州立大学法学院列入前五名“最佳价值法学院”,其中包括在2010年和2011年将佐治亚州立大学法学院命名为全国的“最佳价值法学院”。入学一个非常有选择性的项目,法学院在2012年秋季接受了不到17%的法学博士项目申请人 。入学学生的平均GPA为3. [read more]