Welcome to the Abel's Revenge fan page!!! Hang out with us as we make music, have fun, and interact with fans, friends, and family. . [read more]
In home care at anytime and any age with any kind of health/recovery/disability conditions. . [read more]
this page is about the types of cars that we have and they are in great shape! Come see our cars and we can negotiate for a better price. [read more]
I give 10% discount to military personnel retired or active thanks senior citizens. I am a general contractor specializes in porches installation remodeling a little bit of everything no job is.. [read more]
We offering comprehensive psychiatrics mental health services with our board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Practitioner via a secure HIPPA compliant telemedicine. [read more]
FISH Go SERVICES is here to serve all to make things easy for people to be able to call and have what they need at anytime and. what they need done. [read more]
The Gro Love Garden provides high yield, easy to grow, organic fruits and vegetables for the local Food Banks and others in need across the lake from the worship center at One Church!. [read more]
My name is Freddy Garay Jr. My company FJ painting offers the following services - Gutter cleaning - Pressure washing - Roof repairs - Interior/exterior painting - Windows cleaning - And more. [read more]
I’m delighted to share my art for the sole purpose of appreciation. I am grateful for the gifts that God has blessed me with and I love to get feedback. [read more]
Art In Atlanta, Ga, USA. [read more]
Import and Domestic Automobile Repair. [read more]
ブライアクリークの戦い()は、アメリカ独立戦争中の1779年3月3日に、ジョージア植民地東部、ブライア・クリークがサバンナ川に合流する地点近くで戦われた戦闘である。主にノースカロライナ植民地とジョージア植民地の民兵で構成される愛国者軍がイギリス軍の急襲を受け、重大な損失を出した。この戦闘は僅か数週間前にオーガスタの北、ケトルクリークの戦いで、愛国者軍がイギリス軍に対し勝利を挙げた後のことだけに、その士気の面で負の効果を及ぼすことになった。背景1778年にフランスがアメリカ独立戦争に参戦した後、イギリス軍はその注視する所をアメリカ南部に向けた。イギリス軍は戦争初期に南部には注意を払っていなかった。イギリス軍はニューヨーク市と東フロリダのセントオーガスティンから部隊を派遣することで南部戦略を開始し、1778年終盤にはジョージアのサバンナを占領することにした。ニューヨーク市のアーチボルド・キャンベル中佐の指揮する遠征隊が先ず到着し、1778年12月29日にうまくサバンナ市を占領することができた。イギリス軍によるオーガスタ占領イギリス軍のオーガスティン・プレボスト准将が1月半ばにセントオーガスティンからサバンナに到着すると、そこの全軍の指揮を執り、キャンベルに部隊を付けて派遣し、オーガスタの占領とロイヤリスト民兵の徴募を目指させた。キャンベルは1,000名以上の兵を率いて1月24日にサバンナを発ち、1週間後にはオーガスタに到着した。途中でジョージア民兵隊からの嫌がらせもほとんど無かった。オーガスタはサウスカロライナ植民地のアンドリュー・ウィリアムソン将軍がジョージアとサウスカロライナの民兵約1,000名を率いて守っていたが、キャンベル隊が近付くと部隊の大半を撤退させた。サバンナ川を渡りサウスカロライナに入る前にウィリアムソン隊の後衛がキャンベル隊と小競り合いを演じた。その後キャンベルはロイヤリストの徴募を始めた。約1,100名の者が徴募リストに署名したが、実際に民兵中隊を結成できた数はかなり少なかった。続いてキャンベルは違背すれば資産を没収するという条件で忠誠の誓いを求めた。多くの者が心ならずも誓いを立てたので、直ぐにウィリアムソンはその真の感情を知ることとなった。キャンベルはオーガスタに居る間にインディアンからの支援も期待していたが、それは得られなかった。またノースカロライナ植民地とサウスカロライナの田園部でロイヤリストを徴募するために、ロイヤリストのジョン・ボイド大佐を派遣していたが、大規模な支援部隊を立ち上げられないのではないかと心配していた。ジョン・アッシュ将軍の率いるノースカロライナの愛国者民兵隊1,000名以上がウィリアムソンの宿営地に到着したことで、2月12日にキャンベルはオーガスタを放棄することに決めた。その2日後、ボイドの率いていた600ないし700名の民兵隊がケトルクリークの戦いで敗北したその日、キャンベルはオーガスタから撤退し、サバンナに戻る行軍を始めた。. [read more]
Foo Hair Salon is a beauty salon, located at 1944 Rockbridge Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30087. They can be contacted via phone at +16784760042 for more detailed information. [read more]
Our team of travel specialists are happy to provide personalized service for all your corporate and leisure travel needs – including, destination weddings, honeymoons, vacations, family.. [read more]
Any style photo shoots!. [read more]
Ben Hill is a neighborhood in the southwestern part of Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Ben Hill is a predominantly black community with many black-owned businesses. [read more]
As a Personal Financial Representative in Cumming, I know many local families. My knowledge and understanding of the people in this community help me provide customers with an outstanding level.. [read more]
For 32 years, Business Software, Inc. (BSI) has provided industry-leading payroll tax calculation and filing/depositing solutions that help businesses meet ever-changing tax regulations.. [read more]
Nova Designs is a store. They can be contacted via phone at 7065048686 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Financial professional. Protect cash flow today, build cash flow tomorrow. . [read more]
All products are original, authentic name brands. We do not sell knockoffs or imitations. . [read more]
Kendall and Jeanie Wiseley, Licensed Realtors with Better Homes and Gardens Metro Brokers in Ellijay, Georgia. We work together to give you the Best Experience in Real Estate. [read more]
The best real estate services are local, homegrown experts who know and care about the area more than anyone else - because they call it their home too!. [read more]
The Fab-Sassy sell clothing, accessories, bags, shoes,make ups,health and beauty and perfumes. The product category is basic designer and more on luxury and authentic like Chanel, Hermes,.. [read more]
A group of friends sharing movie reviews & recording podcasts about movies and TV. Both are generally. . . fine. Founded in the ancient times of January 14, 2014. [read more]
𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚊 𝚋𝚢 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢. . [read more]
An intimate and safe place that caters to you! "Unwind while having wine". Our guests are highly respected and we appreciate you. The decor is warm and inviting making it easier to relax. [read more]
Shining My Light to Create Happy Moments while Giving Life to Your Vision! Let us take care of the details to make your event a HAPPY memorable experience!. [read more]
Marantha Thrift Shop is a non profit thrift shop that offers clothing, electronics, household items and furniture. All proceeds from Marantha Thrift Store go to support our local ministry,.. [read more]
Lead Dog is a full-service marketing consortium headquartered in the greater Atlanta area. We service the marketing needs of B2B and B2C clients of all sizes and verticals. [read more]
Washington Commons and Stanislaus Commons are executive office suites in Macon GA. Full service leases including all utilities and WiFi. . [read more]
C. B. D. - Chasing Billionaire Dreams is a brand envisioned by Maverick Williams while residing in the Central Business District of New Orleans, Louisiana. [read more]
Wesley billion dollar virgin, it's all about mindset hacks taught by one of the most successful in this field that is Wesley Virgin. [read more]
Comfort food. [read more]
Handmade Resin Arts. [read more]
Apex janitorial Cleaning Services specializes in high-quality maintenance and cleaning using the most up-to-date and modern equipment. Whether you require daily office cleaning, day or.. [read more]