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GBSC Technology Dept. is located at 1810 Young St, Cincinnati 45202. Visit their website www.gbsstudent.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #ComputerCompany

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1810 Young St, Cincinnati 45202
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Added by Jopie, at 14 October 2014

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13 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 May 2017

    Game night. Tonight. In the cafeteria from 7 pm - 1 am. Bring your roommate. Bring your favorite game, or play one already there. We'll have power and Ethernet hookups if you want to bring your own computer. And yes, there will be pizza and pop a little later on in the evening. See you there!

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  • Anynomous
    09 November 2016

    Join fellow students and staff this evening in the cafeteria where we'll be streaming live coverage of the election results starting at 7:00 PM. Feel free to bring your favorite board or card game. Remember, there's a whole lot more than just the presidential race. There are House, Senate, and governor races, along with scores of other races and issues that will affect you and the nation. Come and watch history unfold. And be sure to vote, if you haven't already.

    See you there!

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  • Anynomous
    14 October 2016

    The Boomerang add-on not only allows you to send mail later, but also allows you to "boomerang" important incoming messages to come back to you at a more convenient time.

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2016

    Did you know that you can print to the Flexon Library printer from anywhere on campus? Yep, just log into your GBSC Google Account to get started with Google Cloud Printing!

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  • Anynomous
    30 April 2016

    Game night starts at 7 pm tonight. Don't miss it!

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  • Anynomous
    22 February 2016

    Here are 12 Amazon Prime perks. While same-day delivery isn't available in Cincinnati, same-day pickup is available at their location less than 1.5 miles from GBSC. There are many benefits to Amazon Prime, but some aren't heavily promoted, so you may be missing out!

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  • Anynomous
    21 November 2015

    It starts tonight. 7 pm - 1 am in the cafeteria. There will be lots of fun, epic battles, a Smash Bros. Tournament, and Papa John's pizza. Bring your favorite game. You don't want to miss it!

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  • Anynomous
    04 March 2015

    This Friday, March 6th, 7 pm - 1 am. Bring your favorite game. Got a game console that you want to bring? Let us know and we'll try to hook you up with a projector.

    There will be pizza, drinks, and a bunch of fun.

    Be there!

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  • Anynomous
    13 January 2015

    Controlling your computer with an iPhone just got a lot easier.

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  • Anynomous
    19 November 2014

    Game night - this Friday @ 7 PM. Super Smash Bros. tournament starts at 10 PM. Sign up here: s.gbs.edu/gamenight

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  • Anynomous
    06 November 2014

    Looking for Office or a free alternative? Looking for a decent free antivirus solution? The IT Dept. has a few recommendations.

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  • Anynomous
    23 October 2014

    Another reminder of the importance of being a cautious web user. Be sure you know the authenticity of your sources before downloading or opening any files.

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  • Anynomous
    21 October 2014

    Dominate, or be dominated. The choice is yours. Think you have what it takes? Face off with your friends in a game of Age of Empires II HD. Come join the action or play the Wii. It all starts October 31st @ 7 PM in The Commons.

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