Galen College of Nursing, Tampa Bay is a company, located at 11101 Roosevelt Boulevard North, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33716, United States. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Galen College of Nursing in Tampa Bay, Florida offers a focusedcurriculum and supportive environment where students get real-world,practical knowledge that they can use in the nursing profession.Different levels of degrees, including an associate’s in PracticalNursing and a program in Registered Nursing ,can be found at Galen.Since it is exclusively devoted to training future nurses, Galeninstructs students in simulated environments that employ the latestequipment and technology and also allows students to work in actualclinical settings with actual patients.Small classes and a tight-knit academic and social environment make theGalen experience a mutually supportive one.Student services also provide support in numerous areas, from personalcounseling to career advising to academic mentoring and assistance.Since many Galen students are adults who either work or have familiespart-time, programs and evening classes are also available.In addition to federal loans, there are a number of scholarshipsavailable through various nursing associations. To apply for financialaid and find out about one’s eligibility, students will need to meet withthe Galen financial aid department.Galen admissions requirements may also be obtained by contacting a Galenofficial or admissions representative.
Tags : #Establishment
Location :
11101 Roosevelt Boulevard North, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33716
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020