One of the "working" pumps is actually held together with duct tape. Kind of cool to see the inner workings of a gas pump, though.
Only one of the four pumps worked so you're gonna have to wait no matter what. Most people don't resize that you have to pay after you get your gas, this adds to the wait confusion and wait time and all of the workers are rude. Would gladly spend $5 a gallon somewhere else.
Location is obscure. Store is grungy at best. Half of the pumps weren't working when I stopped there.
Just know that Williamsburg locals call this place "Stop and Rob."
10/10 would drive through potholes again.
I've stopped here twice in the last week, the first time I noticed the bathroom door states that use of bathrooms are for paying customers only, the water was freezing and there wasn't anything to dry my hands with. The second time I stopped here it was closed early (before 10pm.) Not a very clean establisment.