The Froze Noze Biathalon
Where: Town & Country Bowling Alley
(Approx. 5 miles east of Billings on Highway 312,heading towards Huntley.)
When: February 5th, 2017 Sign up starts at 12:00pm event starts at 12:30pm
Run either 2 or 4 miles
and bowl one game
Bring moola for one game of bowling and eats
(pizza and soda or beer)
if you don’t have a bowling ball and shoes
bring moola for rental.
AWARD CEREMONY following the bowling and eats.
Get to practicing your BOWLING!!!
remember, for every pin knocked down, you get to
deduct one second off of your running time!!!Please know this is a fun event for the whole family.
Any questions contact
Daniel or Nancy Hillman (Race Directors) at 406-794-6620
It's suppose to snow!! The Froze Noze is happy! Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!It's suppose to snow!! The Froze Noze is happy! Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!
We hope to see everyone February 2, 2020We hope to see everyone February 2, 2020
Overall Winner-John Stover
We gave out some fun awards this year! Gene won our Most Gutter-balls But it was a close call, tied for 2nd place were 5 of us
With a 149 in bowling Jordan Stirling won Highest score!
The weather was below zero and we had two brave souls who ran the 4 mile
1st place men-John Stover 1st place woman- Kim Newman
2-Mile winners Ladies
1st place- Christina Gomer 2nd place- Jessica Stirling 3rd place-Julissa Talkington
2-Mile winners Male
1st place-Jordon Stirling 2nd place-Dave Weeding 3rd place-Steve Henley
The Froze Noze Biathlon would like to thank all of you totally amazing runners who showed up.The weather was below zero degrees outside and you ran 2 and 4 miles!! This race happens because of your continuing support.. We are blown away!! Thank you!!!
Thank you, to the Yellowstone Rim Runners for always putting the Froze Noze Biathlon in the newsletter. We appreciate all you do!!Thank you, to the Yellowstone Rim Runners for always putting the Froze Noze Biathlon in the newsletter. We appreciate all you do!!
Thank you Christina for taking pictures at the Froze Noze today!! we appreciate it!!Thank you Christina for taking pictures at the Froze Noze today!! we appreciate it!!
Thank you, to all the runners who braved this cold weather to participate in the annual Froze Noze. We appreciate your support!!!!
We are setting up for the Froze Noze 2019!!