
We are just a couple of small town guys who love to fish, and would like you to have as much fun as we do on Kodiak Island!

Tags : #TourAgency, #SportsRecreation, #FishingStore, #Sports&Recreation

Location :
Larsen Bay, Kodiak, Alaska 99615


Foxtail Lodge located in Larsen Bay, Alaska near Kodiak was first taken over by Jerre Munson in 2007. He asked a long time friend and fishing partner, Greg Zaccardi to join him these last couple of years. The Business is owned and operated by both the Idaho fishing natives.
Jerre has fished from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico. His experience is over 20 years of fishing and guiding. Jerre also runs Takin Line guide services in Oregon on Alaska's off season. This incredible fisherman has such a wide range of knowledge that makes Jerre a one of a kind guide. His laugh is contagious and his fishing abilities are remarkable. Jerre Munson is an unstoppable force; he will make your fishing experience one that you could never forget.
Greg was taught to fish by his father by the time he was 9. He has shared his passion with his wife and two children. Now Greg is teaching the first of his two grandsons.
Greg has fished pretty much all over the west. The stories he could tell you! When recently talking to Greg, mostly known as 'Zac' to his friends, on the phone, he stated such a humbling fact about Jerre and his vision for Foxtail Lodge… "This is their trip. If they aren't having a good time, and doing what they want, then Jerre and I aren't having a good time. We just want them to enjoy fishing as much as we do."
Mentioned above Foxtail Lodge is owned and operated by these two amazing fishermen. Foxtail Lodge has a ma' n pa' feeling. You and your guests will be treated as family. The visitor's experience is number one priority, and of course to send you home with as much fresh fish you can!
What you can expect… well check out some of our pictures! Coho, pinks, chum salmon. Halibut, yellow eye! Heck, if you get a chance to catch your own bait in the morning that's a blast all in itself!
Foxtail Lodge offers two packages, four days and five nights, or five days and six nights at $600 a day per person, gratuities and airfare not included. You will have free WIFI, but there is NO cell service. We have a house line and emergencies and other issues we have no problem letting you use. Foxtail Lodge does suggest you bring a calling card for non urgent calls. We have a great A-frame lodge with Television to watch movies. Foxtail is trying to get Go-Pro set up so you can watch your catch of the day! There is a washer and Dryer and a bathroom.
Larsen Bay is not a dry area in Alaska and if you wish to enjoy an alcoholic beverage you can make arrangements in advance to have what you need to enjoy your Alaskan nights after a great day of fishing.
Pretty much everything is included with your stay. Three meals a day, gear for fishing, and most impotently vacuum sealed freezing and boxing of your catch!
What you will need is airfare, personal items, fishing license fee, and a positive attitude!
Our website is full of information. After this 2014 season we will be updating Foxtail Lodge's site and our Lodging!

Website http://www.kodiakalaskafishinglodge.com/index.html

Follow us on Instagram! Our Username is Foxtail_Lodge_AK

Off season contacts (Sept-May) mostly

Jerre Munson 971-219-8403
Email jerre@foxtaillodge.com or takin_line@comcast.net

Greg Zaccardi (Zac) 208-2216365
Email zac@foxtaillodge.com

Any information requests you can email info@foxtaillodge.com