Lifepoint. tv is a church, located at 1529 W North A St, South Tampa, Florida 33606. They can be contacted via phone at 8139079818 for more detailed information. [read more]
A United Methodist Church in the heart of Carrollwood serving the entire Tampa Bay area. . [read more]
La Basílica de la Inmaculada Concepción es una iglesia católica histórica en el centro de Jacksonville, Florida, al sur de Estados Unidos. Es además una iglesia parroquial en la Diócesis de.. [read more]
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Green Cove Springs, Florida, Official Site. [read more]
Sunday School Sundays @ 10:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist Sundays @ 11:00 a. m. . [read more]
A Roman Catholic Community in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, located near downtown Clearwater, FL. . [read more]
Giving honor to Jesus Christ who is 1st in my life and I pray that the music God gave to me would bring supernatural divine healing in Jesus name. Blessed. [read more]
Uma igreja que ama, cuida e faz discípulos. Extensão da Igreja Batista Atitude da Barra da Tijuca, no Brasil. Pastor Presidente : Josué Valandro Jr. Pastor de Orlando: Salleh Cader. [read more]
Delivered, Developed and Deployed. [read more]
Southern Baptist Church in Mcdavid,FL Helping Real People find Real Life in Jesus Christ. [read more]
Llamados a traer el Poder Sobrenatural de Dios a esta generacion en Broward county, FL. . [read more]
Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesús Homestead. Somos un Ministerio Apostólico y Profético en la Ciudad de Homestead Florida. . [read more]
Una iglesia para la ciudad,la nacion y para todas las generaciones. . . [read more]
First Baptist of Brownsville 4600 NW 23 Ave Miami, Fl 33142 (305)635-8053 fbc4600@gmail. com. [read more]
Casa de la Anunciacion de Miami 3100 NW 77th Ct / Miami FL33122 - USA / Phone: (305)599-1343 / Website: www. cscvmiami. org / Email: cscvorg@aol. com. [read more]
If you’re looking for a church that will challenge you to grow in your faith while equipping you for the mission field, this is the place for you!. [read more]
It's our mission to reach our young generation and to restore every person who comes to us broken!. [read more]
International Youth Fellowship. [read more]
Una iglesia para toda la familia en un ambiente donde prevalece el amor. [read more]
Official page of the Macedonian Orthodox Church St. John the Baptist. Bringing the Macedonian people of the greater Tampa Bay Florida together since 1999. [read more]
Auburndale Community Church is a church, located at 601 Stadium Rd, Auburndale, Florida 33823. They can be contacted via phone at (863) 956-2685 for more detailed information. [read more]
The First United Methodist Church is a historic site in Kissimmee, Florida. It is located at 215 East Church Street. On January 3, 1994, it was added to the U. [read more]
An Independent Church within the Catholic Tradition. [read more]
Cristo te ama. Si usted se siente solo, triste, cargado, enfermo etc. te presentamos al que puede cambiar todo, Jesucristo es su Nombre. Visitanos. DTB �. [read more]
Emmaus Church of Jacksonville "The family of God living on mission". [read more]
Emmaus Lutheran Church welcomes everyone as an inclusive and diverse body of Christ. We show God's love, share His word and serve others through His gifts. [read more]
Healing ministry- Holy Spirit Presence! Messiah Yeshua Jesus Acts2. [read more]
Our Vision: To train and establish Healing and Deliverance teams so that they are equipped to bring forth healing and deliverance in the local church. [read more]
For all Preaching engagements please email: behindthefoundation@gmail. com. [read more]
Compartiendo el amor de Dios, atraves de su palabra para Todas las Naciones. [read more]
Outsiders Ministry is a church, located at 6164 Gunn Hwy,, Tampa, Florida 33625. They can be contacted via phone at (813) 802-7087 for more detailed information. [read more]
Misas Domingos 11: AM - Bautizos-Comuniones Confirmaciones-Bodas-Memoriales. [read more]
Shoreline exists to intersect the Gospel and grace of Jesus with a lost and needy world. Our mission is to Win, Disciple, and Send people. . [read more]
Ministerio Cristiano creado en el corazón de Dios para ayudar a nuestros hermanos de países internacionales. Mision Cuba 2014. . [read more]
We believe that God changes lives. In a post-modern world where faith in Jesus Christ is foreign and unfamiliar to this generation of teenagers, we believe that God continues to call high school.. [read more]
a community of people loving God and loving others. Sunday School 9:30A to 10:30A Sunday Worship 10:30A to 12:00P Wednesday Night 7:00P to 8:00P. [read more]