Five Journeys is a health, located at 181 Wells Ave #202, Newton, MA 02459, USA. They can be contacted via phone at 617-934-6400 or email at, visit their website, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
At Five Journeys, we believe you are meant to be healthy, vibrant, active, and capable of intimacy until you're at least a 100 and we are relentless in the pursuit of helping you achieve that goal. We are a membership-based wellness organization that incorporates functional medicine and our unique approach to the five core aspects of health - Physical, Chemical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual - to create a comprehensive plan for vitality and wellness, tailored to each individual. We uncover the root cause of problems, issues, and illnesses, and then help our members solve them. We have facilitated the reversal, prevention and resolution of many chronic health challenges.
Location :
181 Wells Ave #202, Newton, MA 02459, USA
Added by
Wendie Trubow, at 30 October 2024