
A warm and welcoming PC-USA congregation; We meet for worship every Sunday at 11:00 AM. ALL ARE WELCOME! Be sure to check out the "About" link below to see more of who we are.

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #PresbyterianChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
19 Marion Ave, Gilbertsville, New York 13776
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FPG is a warm and welcoming congregation with a long history of serving God and neighbor in the Butternut Valley. Like many churches today, FPG faces the challenge of re-envisioning what it means to be “church” in the 21st Century - but we also embrace that challenge with faith and conviction that God continues to call us to BE the church in our community and in the world.

Part of that re-envisioning process includes new focus on local/global missions, youth outreach, men’s ministries, older adult ministries, Christian education, ecumenical connections – and so much more! These, combined with long-standing commitments to meaningful worship, our awesome choir, the dedication of our Presbyterian Women organization, support of our local food pantry, the annual Crop Walk, support to an orphanage in Onessa, India, special collections like Operation Christmas Child, One Great Hour, and others, the Magic Mountain Fall Concert Series -and much more! - makes for an exciting place where the love of Christ shines as bright as our beautiful stained glass windows on a sunny day!

We enjoy mostly traditional worship with our choir and organ-led hymns (although we are known to also break out a "snappy number" now again with guitar, bass and saxophone accompaniment.)
Sermons grow from God’s word in the Scriptures and the life of faith lived as disciples of Jesus. Studies aim to be rich in content and draw even richer conversation as we engage in our faith together. And as for fellowship? Well – let’s just say we know good food! (Just come to our Harvest Supper every first Wednesday in October to see just how good it can be!)

Our doors are always open for anyone seeking to know Christ better. Our hearts are open to receive new people and invite them to be part of our community of faith. Our ears are open for fresh ideas and interests in serving Christ in our community and in the world.

Our church invites YOU to come and see how God may be leading us, connecting us, and creating for us opportunities to love and serve God and neighbor - together. (And PS - we LOVE families! A nursery is available for young children during Sunday worship)

You are invited, too, to peruse these pages – enjoying pictures of our work and worship together. Come back often! Every effort will be made to keep this content current. You may always feel free to contact Pastor Mark Piedmonte at 607-783-2867or pastorpiedmonte@gmail.com with any questions about our church.


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