Just framed 30 folk art pieces for the law building at BYU. #ficustreeframing #pictureframing #art #byu @ BYU
A great Memorial Day gift for a Veteran, or their loved ones. Email ficustreeframing@gmail.com for a quote, and to set up a framing design appointment!
A lovely bunch of fresh, new samples. Which are your favorites?
A great gift for graduation! These mats are designed to display the small wallet size school photos from K - 11th grade, with a 5x7 senior photo.
The mat is a standard 11 X 14 frame size. Mats are $24 each and available in hundreds of colors. Anyone who's priced a multiple opening mat will tell you, this is an amazing deal!
This mat can also be used for baby's first year -- newborn through 11 months with a 5x7 for the 1 year photo.
Framing Examples
Collage with custom mat. Frame your memories!
So, despite the very creative guesses, no one guessed the strangest thing I've ever framed. The answera burned, grilled cheese sandwich!
Hello to any and all who land on this page. And welcome! My name is Holly Young, and I am the owner of Ficus Tree Custom Framing. Here's a fun kick-off question: In all my 25 years of framing, what is the weirdest thing I have ever framed? First one to comment with the correct answer gets 20% off their next framing order. Go!