FACEXER provides an external resistance for head, face and neck muscles workout. Patented, designed and made in USA, FacExer has been constructed using FDA approved materials of the highest quality. Our team decided to use medical grade materials in order to avoid any artificial and unsafe dyes and additives in our product.
FacExer is a flexible hand-held exerciser for toning, tightening, conditioning stimu-lating and strengthening small muscles above your shoulders- head, face and neck muscles. Its unique functionality makes it of particular benefit when combining “method of exercising using FacExer” with your skin care, massage and workout routines.
“Method of exercising with FacExer” provides health benefits because it is a well-balanced exercise program which can im-prove general health, build endurance, and slow many of the effects of aging as any exercise program in general .The benefits of exercise not only improve physical health, but also enhance emotional well-being.
FacExer gives you unique possibility to perform resistance training and progressive overload training muscles of the head, face and neck. Workout with FacExer allows complicit small muscles above the shoulders to grow in strength together and prevent muscle groups from developing inde-pendently and out of synchronisation.
FacExer is allowing self-selected move-ment based on your anatomy. For example, if your jaw joint is limited in range of movement, you can accommodate naturally to the limitation with FacExer.
On top of exercising the main muscles, FacExer will also require the input from var-ious stabilizing muscles as well or you may recruit more muscles than just the group you're focused on. For example if you are exercising muscles of the upper part of your face you need to engage neck, tongue, shoulder and back muscles to coordinate and hold your body steady during the exer-cises. Likewise, if you're doing sucking mo-tion exercise for your tongue and mouth muscles, you will naturally recruit muscles of the forehead, around your eyes, in your abdomen and back to steady your body.
Your working muscles require oxygen and nutrients which come with blood sup-ply. The blood flow towards working muscles brings many materials necessary for the healthy skin maintenance as well.
FacExer gives you unique opportunity to erase tiredness and unhappiness from your face. “Method of exercising with FacExer” has a triple power and benefits in terms of improving your appearance:
- exercising with FacExer promotes blood flow to your face and neck muscles hence to skin, which makes your skin heather, firmer and radiant;
- exercising with FacExer improves your face expressions hence less negative ex-pressions on your face promoting a younger and confident appearance;
-exercising with FacExer elevates your mood, you feel happier, younger and more confident;
-exercising with FacExer combines isotonic and isometric exercises for all groups of muscles of your head, face and neck for faster results in less time spent for exercis-ing.
FacExer is YOUR personal exerciser which is shaping and fitting exactly to YOU, em-bracing YOUR particular forms, gently hold-ing skin in place to prevent wrinkle for-mation during exercising.
Warning: Before beginning exercise pro-gram, you should always consult with your doctor or physician, particularly if you have or suspect any sort of medical condition that might be worsened by exercise. Alt-hough exercise is beneficial to most peo-ple's skin, it can also exacerbate certain skin conditions, if in doubt, consult your doctor or physician.
Before you start:
1. Wash your hands and the FacExer with soap and water. Prepare your skin: remove makeup, wash your face and apply your moisturiser as needed to keep your skin well hydrated during exercising. You can incorporate the FacExer in your daily skin care routine and massage.
2. How many repetitions of each exercise should you perform? When initially begin-ning to exercise, perform one set of 5-10 repetitions of each exercise, and gradually increase number of sets over continued period of time until 5-15 sets are complet-ed. We recommend you to vary repetition range performing three – four full exercising sessions a week: do five repetitions per set in your first workout, 10 reps per set in your second workout, and 15 per set in your third workout. When you are happy with result, reduce amount of repetitions and exercise only in order to maintain your muscle tone and skin condition.
Remember: all exercises will build strength by steadily resisting force. Doing the exer-cises properly is important. Take your time and focus on each motion as well as the muscles you are using.
3. How do you know if the exercising is working for you? You will feel the warming sensation in the region you are working out. It does mean blood flow is increased to the region of muscular work. When a muscle contracts, energy is used. The byproduct of this process is lactic acid which could build up with intense exercising and cause burn-ing sensation. Reduce amount of repetitions if pleasant warming sensation turns to “feeling burn”.
Description of the basic exercises:
1. Start from the resting position “1”– standing, sitting or lying down with lips closed, tongue is flat and resting on the roof of your mouth with tip of the tongue behind the front teeth. Your upper and lower teeth are in relaxed position and are not engaged. Breathe deeply through your nose, feeling your entire torso expand outwards. Slowly breathe all the way out. Maintain that breathing pattern through every exercise described below.
Return to position “1” after each exercise.
2. Head, neck and upper face muscles. Stretch FacExer horizontally and press your forehead against FacExer firmly in order to stabilize skin. Lift eyebrows as far upward as is possible, working against the resistance created by the FacExer. Your tongue is pressing roof of your mouth. Hold in this position for a count of 5. This exercise provides work out for head, upper face (forehead and muscles around your eyes), neck and tongue muscles.
3. Muscles of the lower part of the face, around the eyes and neck. Place the middle part of the FacExer in your mouth between tongue and roof of the mouth. Press re-mainder of FacExer against your lips and chin. Do not engage your teeth. Hold the FacExer with your lips and start sucking mo-tion with your tongue. A suck occurs with positive pressure and negative pressure. Positive pressure occurs when the jaw ele-vates, the tongue elevates to the hard pal-ate, and the lips are sealed. Hold in this position for a count of 5. Negative pressure occurs when the jaw drops, the tongue moves away from the hard palate, cheeks contract, the soft palate elevates, and the lips remain sealed. Notice that majority of the muscle above your shoulders – muscle of the neck, chin, tongue, forehead, around your eyes, around the mouth - are engaged in this motion – isotonically or isometrically.
4. As you gain strength repeat exercise 3 creating more resistance by pulling the FacExer away from your face during suction motions. The resistance applied should be less than the muscles are capable of overcoming. Resistance during exercises can be varied if desired, by moving the hand farther away from or closer to the mouth.
5. Tongue and neck exercise.
Have the FacExer pressed against your mouth and chin. Stick your tongue in front and push the FacExer with tongue as hard as possible for count of 5.
Next, stick your tongue in front of you. This time have the FacExer placed on the right side of your tongue. Press against the FacExer as hard as you can (as if you’re try-ing to push the FacExer to the corner of your mouth). Hold for a count of 5. Then repeat this exercise with the left side of your tongue.
6. Jaw and neck exercise.
Start with your mouth open. Hold the FacExer with both hands, stretch the FacExer horizontally and place ap-proximately one third of it around your lower jaw, applying pressure to keep your lower jaw open. Press the rest of the FacExer against the skin around your lower lip and chin. Try to close your mouth using nothing but your jaw muscles - do not move your head! Hold for a count of 5.You will definitely feel fatigue in your jaw and neck muscles after doing this a few times. Start out only doing 3-5 of these.
7. for the next jaw exercise you start in the opposite direction. Start with your mouth closed. This time have the FacExer placed under your chin. Without moving your head try to open your mouth. Hold for a count of 5.
8. Cheeks forming exercise. Form an “O” shape with your lips, and Insert small part of FacExer in your mouth , holding with lips forming “O” shape. Try to smile from the corners of your mouth. You can feel the cheek muscles contract. Hold for a count of 5.
9. Lips chin and neck isometric exercise. Put your lips in an exaggerated kiss position, press the FacExer around your mouth and chin in order to stabilize skin and “kiss” the FacExer. Hold for a count of 5.
10. Muscles around the eyes. Shape the FacExer in order to create the hollow as shown on the picture. Close left eye. Having this eye in the hollow of the FacExer, press the FacExer against area around your eye, avoiding pressure on the eyelid. Lower your eyebrow working out against resistance created by the FacExer. Then squeeze mus-cles around left eye as if you are winking with that eye. Repeat exercise for the right eye.
11. Cheek muscles exercises. Press the FacExer against your left cheek. Place your fingers across your right cheek in order to stabilise skin. Smile with your left cheek rising left corner of your mouth. You should feel resistance created by weight of the FacExer.
Perform this exercise for right cheek.
For more information, exercises and topics please visit our website www.Facexer.com
Gentle exfoliation and FacExer;
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