Boonville's Public Library
Tonight 7 to 8:30pm! Bring in some hidden treasures and see if they are worth something!
$3 for 1 Or $5 for 2
Light refreshments.
Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art & Community Center The Moose Boonville Herald
No Story Hour tomorrow 3/21/19. See everyone next week 3/28. The Moose Boonville HeraldNo Story Hour tomorrow 3/21/19. See everyone next week 3/28. The Moose Boonville Herald
The Guild of Thespian Puppets A Universe of Stories.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 14th @ 3:30!
When Erwin Library presents The Guild of Thespian Puppets: A Universe of Stories, an exciting new puppet show that is out of this galaxy!
Join the puppets on their journey of exploration through outer space as they discover the infinite amount of adventures that can be found in books.
This educational and fun-filled puppet show is filled with interactive songs and stories and is perfect for children and adults of all ages.
Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art & Community Center The Moose Boonville Herald
No Story Hour, 2/28/19. Stay safe and warm! See everyone next week.No Story Hour, 2/28/19. Stay safe and warm! See everyone next week.
CLOSED today, 2/25/19, due to weather! Stay warm and safe. The Moose Boonville HeraldCLOSED today, 2/25/19, due to weather! Stay warm and safe. The Moose Boonville Herald
No Story Hour Today, 2/21/19. Stay safe, healthy and warm! See everyone next week!No Story Hour Today, 2/21/19. Stay safe, healthy and warm! See everyone next week!
No story hour today 1/31/19! Stay safe everyone! #boonvilleisbeautifulNo story hour today 1/31/19! Stay safe everyone! #boonvilleisbeautiful
If school is closed on 1/24/19there will be no story hour! Stay safe everyone! The Moose Boonville HeraldIf school is closed on 1/24/19there will be no story hour! Stay safe everyone! The Moose Boonville Herald
No story hour tomorrow 1/3/19! See everyone next week.
The Moose Boonville Herald
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Great event I thought I would share
TODAY AT 3:30pm! Come enjoy a great time with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art & Community Center The Moose Boonville Herald
Program today! All had fun so I thought I would share! Enjoy
Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 13th, 2018 @ 3:30pm. As Erwin Library hosts The Guild of Thespian Puppets as they bring you the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol. The puppets enact their version of the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, the penny- pinching old miser, who is visited on Christmas Eve by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Through these unearthly visitations Scrooge is given a chance at redemption and to change his greedy ways. Hope to see you there!
Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art & Community Center Boonville Herald The Moose
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
We will REOPEN 11/26/18 @ 10am. See everyone soon.
Just a reminder: William “Jay” O’Hern Event scheduled for 11/14/18 is CANCELED #boonvilleisbeautiful The Moose Boonville HeraldJust a reminder: William “Jay” O’Hern Event scheduled for 11/14/18 is CANCELED #boonvilleisbeautiful The Moose Boonville Herald
William “Jay” O’Hern program on Wednesday, November 14th @11am has been CANCELED.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please keep an eye out on our page and in the newspaper for the rescheduled date.
Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art & Community Center
#boonvilleisbeaitiful The Moose Boonville Herald