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Ephesians 4:16 Ministries is located at 109 Henry Street, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088. They can be contacted via phone at +14789606582, visit their website everyjointsupplied.blogspot.com for more detailed information.

Ephesians 4:16 Ministry has as it goal to see Jesus's prayer in John 17 fulfilled.

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
109 Henry Street, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Ephesians 4:16 Ministry
Connecting the Body of Christ

Purpose: Our purpose is rooted in the prayer of Jesus in John 17 “That we may be one even as Jesus and the Father are one.”
Vision Statement: In Ephesians 4 Paul states that the ministry gifts given at Christ’s ascension were for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and that they were to function until the fulfillment of Ephesians 4:16, “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Our vision is to see the body of Christ functioning in all that has been made available to it, so that the body can be all that it is destined to be. We desire to see the body of Christ come to maturity that the world may know that God the Father sent the Son.

Goals: The goal of this ministry will be to establish vehicles by which we may encourage the body, facilitate unity, and equip God’s people for ministry. The ministry will primarily focus on three specific areas: 1) Prayer; 2) Equipping for ministry; 3) Worship.

I. Prayer
This ministry will network with intercessors throughout our area and region so that the spiritual synergy that comes from united prayer may be utilized. Situations which arise will be prayed for by intercessors in a region rather than just one local church. There will also be times of corporate prayer where intercessors will come together at a predetermined location . There will also be encouragement for churches to come together for times of corporate prayer and ministry.

II. Equipping for ministry This ministry will establish a School of Ministry. The school of ministry will be conducted in one of two ways; on a seminar basis in the local church or at a predetermined central location . There will also be flexibility as far as the lengths and span of classes. These classes will involve teaching, impartation, and demonstration. The instruction will include materials on the 1) The restoration of five-fold ministry; 2) The gifts of the Spirit; 3) Deliverance.

III. Worship
This ministry will cooperate with local churches and ministries to coordinate corporate times of worship where the body of Christ comes together with no agenda other worshipping and m magnifying
magnifying God. The worship events will be held at predetermined local churches.

Personal Statement: As founder of “By Every Joint Supplied” it is my desire to be a blessing to the body of Christ. If there is any way I can be of service to you or your congregation please let me know. If you have prayer needs whether corporate or private, I would love to pray for you and encourage you. We want to be a ministry that builds and can be trusted by the leaders who may call upon us, therefore we humbly submit ourselves to the authority of each local body. We choose to focus on what we have in common rather than our differences. We covet your prayers for this ministry as we attempt to be a part of Jesus’ answered prayer in John 17. We look forward to partnering with you in building the body of Christ.

Personal Biographical Information: Herb Dean has been in ministry since the early 80’s. He has planted two churches and been a leader in the planting of two others. He has spoken in numerous churches and has been a teaching elder at Grace Tabernacle in Fort Walton Beach, Florida and Evergreen Family Fellowship. He has written two books A Baptist Finds the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Golden Nuggets from the Streams of Life. Four seminars that he has done in other churches include : “Possessing our Land”, a teaching on deliverance; “Breaking the Chains of Debt”, a teaching on biblical financial freedom; “The Kingdom, It’s about the Father”; and “The Father’s Blessing” teaching on the kingdom and the restoration of children to the fathers and the fathers to the children. These teachings have been a great help to those who attended. Herb is currently an elder at Evergreen Family Fellowship in Warner Robins, Georgia. His contact numbers are 478-929-0643 or 478-960-6582. His e-mail is: rborvitae5@aol.com

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