
Premier on location photographer

Tags : #Photographer, #ProfessionalService

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Phoenix, Arizona 85021
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I'm Eboni. I bring creativity and an "anything goes" attitude to the table. I am bent on capturing the essence of what my clients want as well as things they didn't know they wanted. I am focused on remaining true to my creative vision & I subscribe to theory that it is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you're not. I have lots of ideas in this head of mine and I believe that the people who can assist in helping me bring those ideas to fruition are all around me!

14 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    04 June 2018

    When customers say these things about me I blush like crazy. I’m so incredibly grateful for photography and the people who allow me to photograph them.

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  • Anynomous
    27 May 2018

    So much fun yesterday with Nicole who was going for a bad girl look. #ebonijovian #arizonaphotography #phoenixphotographer

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  • Anynomous
    27 May 2018

    People ask me all the time, how I found photography. The story goes like this. It's kinda funny...

    I had never touched a camera until my older cousin’s graduation. I think I was about 8 years old. My uncle handed me a camera and told me to get up closer to the stage and take photos because I was small. Happy to do so, he showed me how to work the camera and I went to town kneeling and bending and stooping and snapping photos on his Kodak Ektralite 10 camera (pictured below). ...At the end of the ceremony, I returned his camera to find that he was furious with me for using so much of his film. I felt terrible and vowed to never take pictures again. He was really really mad. However, the following week, after having his film developed, he called my mom to apologize to me. Apparently I had taken really great photos and in that conversation he told me I had an eye. Which I didn’t really understand at eight years old because I was thinking to myself, “🤔 I have two eyes?” That was the moment I realized, I was actually good at something. Photography has been my one and only hobby ever since.

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  • Anynomous
    22 May 2018

    About this weekend... #DesertPhotography #PhoenixPhotography #EboniJovian #ArizonaPhotographer

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  • Anynomous
    15 May 2018

    SENIOR PHOTO SESSIONS happening now! Book yours! $50 holds your spot!!! #SeniorPhotos #ArizonaPhotography #ebonijovian

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  • Anynomous
    14 May 2018

    Senior Photo Season Is Upon Us!!! Book Your Session Now! $50 Holds Your Date & Time

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2018

    Morning session DONE & DONE!!!

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  • Anynomous
    08 December 2016

    Christmas photo sessions still available!

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  • Anynomous
    02 December 2016

    This weeks favorite photo.

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  • Anynomous
    07 July 2016

    5 things that happen when you photograph yourself (Yes, all photos below are pictures of me...taken by me): 1. YOU GET TO BE YOURSELF. You know what I mean...you get to show the camera the part of you that you're too shy to show others in person. 2. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. You get to take the photos over & over & over again until they're right. Unlike the selfie your friend posted on Facebook that you did not get to approve. 3. YOU WILL DISCOVER NEW THINGS. You'll get to know mo...re about people, your city & maybe other cities. You'll come to find out that the alley behind your favorite restaurant has an amazing mural or that the desolate road a few miles from the casino is the most beautiful backdrop you have ever seen. 4. YOU GET TO EXPLORE NEW STYLES. Because nobody wants to look the same in all their photos, you will want to play around with your look. This gives you an opportunity to try the shoes, outfits or even the hairstyles or you've been dreaming about. 5. YOUR SELF ESTEEM WILL SOAR! Sure, sure...it's great to get compliments from others. But the confidence you get from looking at a great photo that YOU have taken is big. Now throw in the fact that the subject in the photo is you! Now your happy like a room without a roof!

    Whether you've got the latest & greatest DSLR or you have a cell phone with a timer. Get out there & create something great...starring YOU!

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  • Anynomous
    28 May 2016

    Give a gift that he will never forget. Photos with his children. <3

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  • Anynomous
    21 May 2016

    Meet Julisa. The photographer never showed up to her prom, leaving a couple hundred gals in tears with no professional photos of the night (insert gasp here). Her father, who is serving our country over seas made arrangements to have me take "Prom pictures" for her. Let's just say, she isn't crying anymore. <3

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2016

    High School holds memories that can't go without being captured. Just check your kid's their cell phone. Lol! If there is a Senior in your life, give them something to remember these years by... SENIOR PHOTOS $225

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  • Anynomous
    09 May 2016

    Is there anything sexier than a cloudy sky. Man!!! I love shooting on cloudy days! If you're lucky enough to catch clouds in the sky, grab your camera (or your phone) & add some drama to your photos with clouds while weather permits! #clouds #sky #senior #college #graduation #Arizona #desert #photoghraphy #photoshooting #photoshoot #capandgown #street #nativeamerican

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