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Dr.Tayyaba Ahmed Pelvic Pain Specialist is a doctor, located at 18 E 41st suite 2002, New York, New York 10017. They can be contacted via phone at (646) 481-4998, visit their website www.pelvicrehabilitation.com for more detailed information.

I am very passionate about my specialty and I'm here to support the cause. I realize that every patient is different and will require a different approach.

Location :
18 E 41st suite 2002, New York, New York 10017
Added by Jopie, at 30 January 2019

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 14:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


I am very passionate about my specialty and I'm here to support the cause. I realize that every patient is different and will require a different approach.

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14 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    09 March 2019

    “You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe, and smarter than you think you are.” .

    Reflecting back on the last year, I’ve achieved more then I have in years before. And that is only possible from the support of women and men in my life. What’s once was believed that women can’t have it all or can’t do what a man can, is just not the case. Just yesterday I was chatting with a male co workers who said, “you guys don’t even need men” jokingly. Yep, we don’t. We got this! Well, most of it anyways- I have a supportive spouse who encourages me and supports me along the way. And today is not a day to tear down men, but to celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

    As a mom of two girls, I want to see our girls growing up knowing they are equal, and deserve the same jobs, pay and opportunities as their male peers.

    As a pelvic pain doctor, I want my female patients to have as much pleasure in the bedroom as their male partners, because they deserve to. But I want all my patients to feel good, and empowered to take on their pain. . . What is your hope for this #internationalwomensday. Tag a woman who has supported you through thick and thin! Happy international women’s day! .

    #balanceforbetter #womensday #internationalwomensday2019 #rights #womensrights #equalpay #agenerationwithoutgenderbias #nycdoc #docsofinsta #equalpayforwomen #braveenough #educateourgirls #endperiodshame #supportyourfriends #supportwomen #togetherwerise #bettertogether

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  • Anynomous
    07 March 2019

    The reality is that pregnancy—like hormonal drug treatments—may temporarily suppress the symptoms of endometriosis but does not eradicate the disease itself. Therefore, symptoms usually recur after the birth of the child.

    So no, pregnancy DOES NOT cure endometriosis. I recently had a woman who was pregnant with endometriosis ask me if endometriosis only goes away for some people? She asked if she was being crazy to think she still had endometriosis pain. No, pregnancy does not guarantee a decrease or complete eradication in pain symptoms. I’m not sure why doctors are telling their patients to get pregnant to cure their endometriosis pain.

    #pelvicpain #1in10 #myths #endometriosisawareness #endometriosis #endometriosiswarrior #endocommunity #endosister #endowarrior #endosucks #endometriosisspecialist #pelvicpainspecialist #endometriosissurgery #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis #pregnancy #mythsdebunked #docsofinsta

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  • Anynomous
    06 March 2019

    Thank you @stemher_rbjmag for the work you do! Inspiring our girls and women to enter science, technology, engineering and mathematics. I was honored to be asked and featured in their winter magazine. It is currently available on amazon and on their website for purchase.

    Creating environments that are healthy and desirable for women to enter make these life choices easier. I was asked about the challenges I faced and the decisions that I had to make. The magazine has many women featured and lots of perspectives which could benefit young women choosing a life course as early as high school. Part of which I think is the problem. We don’t have much exposure at that age in life when we have to decide. However, that shouldn’t deter women from doing things they are passionate about. The world needs women for the advancement of these fields! And there’s no such thing as being too late! Many times people have several career paths before they find their way!

    #womenempowerment #stem #womeninstemfields #stemgirls #stemeducation #browngirlsinstem #leadership #medicine #healthcare #docsofinsta #doctor #science #technology #engineering #mathematics #femaleempowerment #educateourgirls #educateyourself #femaledocs #womendoctors #nycdocs #inspire #motivate #motivatedmindset

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  • Anynomous
    06 March 2019

    So hormones might suppress the symptoms of endometriosis but they are NOT in any way a cure for endometriosis. That being said lots of women are placed on birth control early before their diagnosis of endometriosis to regulate their menstrual cycle (intensity of pain during menstruation, duration of menstruation). This is not the case for all women with endometriosis. Everyone woman’s body is different and responds to treatments differently, so don’t be shocked when someone responds to a hormone but you do not. Endometriosis is a beast of a disease and has many stages of disease. . .

    As a physiatrist I do not prescribe or treat hormones. I also do not do surgery. My role is often clinically diagnosing endometriosis, referring to specialists, investigating other pain generators, and treating those including the pelvic floor which is heavily affected by endometriosis. . . #pelvicpain #1in10 #realstoriesfromrealpeople #endometriosisawareness #endometriosis #endometriosiswarrior #endocommunity #endosister #endowarrior #endosucks #endometriosisspecialist #pelvicpainspecialist #endometriosissurgery #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis

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  • Anynomous
    04 March 2019

    Was honored to speak at the @theendometriosissummit yesterday, hosted by Dr Andrea Vidali, MD and Sallie Sarrel, Physical Therapist: Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Management. The meeting was educational for healthcare providers, patients and their loved ones who came to support and learn.

    Endometriosis is beyond devastating and despite that the overall theme of the event was not what these women could not do but what they must do, and that is to be the voice of this disease that so desperately needs to be heard. I loved that it was an event meant to dispel myths, discuss controversy, and all the while empower sufferers to band together, educate and advocate to local schools, policy makers and academic institutions that create guidelines.

    Endometriosis awareness month is only 3 days in and I am excited to see how the rest of the month unfolds! Check out @endometriosissummit page to find out how to watch some of the most interesting panels I’ve seen including the nations greatest excision surgeons and endometriosis advocates.

    #endometriosisawareness #thisisendometriosis #endometriosis #pelvicpain #endometriosiswarrior #endocommunity #endosister #endowarrior #endometriosisspecialist #pelvicpainspecialist #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis #prostatitis #pudendalneuralgia #pgad #pelvicfloordysfunction #hypertonicpelvicfloor #nycdoc

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  • Anynomous
    02 March 2019

    Many of my patients are 1 in 10 women to have endometriosis.

    Can we take a minute to soak that in!!! 176 million women and trans men in the world are estimated to have endometriosis.

    On average 40% of my patients have a diagnosis of endometriosis and even more are suspected to. This is why I speak about endometriosis so much and try to advocate for young women who go an average of 7-10 years before they have an official diagnosis. The more people hear about endometriosis the greater the chance they can consider this disease as a diagnosis. [quite frankly though, patients shouldn’t have to diagnose themselves but because of the complexity and overlap of disease symptoms it leads to years of misdiagnosis]

    Currently the only way to know definitively if you have endometriosis is by laparoscopic surgery and having pathology done to samples removed during surgery. This is really scary and frustrating and in this day and age I’m shocked we haven’t come up with an easier way. Many of my patients have had repeat surgeries to diagnose and then treat their endometriosis because they were not adequately excised it just ablated. .

    I am really excited to be a part of the The Endometriosis Summit: Patient & Practitioner Town Meeting being held on Sunday March 3rd. Some of the most respected and skilled surgeons and healthcare providers will be present to educate hundreds of people in this full day education series. This event will be live streamed- for information check out their Facebook to learn how to watch. If you are there, stop by and say hello!!

    #endometriosisawareness #thisisendometriosis #endometriosis #pelvicpain #endometriosiswarrior #endocommunity #endosister #endowarrior #endometriosisspecialist #pelvicpainspecialist #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis #prostatitis #pudendalneuralgia #pgad #pelvicfloordysfunction #hypertonicpelvicfloor #nycdoc #docsofinstagram

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  • Anynomous
    01 March 2019

    March 1st marks the beginning of #endometriosisawareness month. This month is dedicated to educate and create awareness and advocacy for women and trans men suffering from a disease that consumes a woman’s life, preventing her ability to go to school or work, advance her career and family by possibly affecting her fertility. If you have endometriosis you may know that despite hormonal medications many women do not feel relief from the pain. The ultimate gold standard of treatment is excision surgery and unfortunately that is not always what women are offered. If you have endometriosis join Georgie Wileman in her campaign to raise endometriosis awareness by documenting how many procedures you have been through. This month I hope to share more information about endometriosis and educate providers to diagnose endometriosis earlier then later. . . #endometriosisawareness #thisisendometriosis #endometriosis #pelvicpain #endometriosiswarrior #endocommunity #endosister #endowarrior #endometriosisspecialist #pelvicpainspecialist #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis #prostatitis #pudendalneuralgia #hardflaccid #pgad #pelvicfloordysfunction #hypertonicpelvicfloor #nycdoc #doctorofinstagram #fridaymood

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  • Anynomous
    25 February 2019

    Yaaaas! I literally just posted about this documentary a few days ago. Period. End of Sentence won at the Oscars and I had to re-watch it over and over again because- heck yeah a short film about creating a menstrual product in India- won an Oscar!!

    When I was a kid I would visit Pakistan every summer. I remember having “the period” talk while I was there one year with my aunt. She asked me if I knew what it was and I remember saying, period like the end of a sentence like an exclamation point? (Pretending I had no idea what it was). This film opens with many young girls answering that exact question.

    Eventually one summer I was there and had my period. My cousin who lived there, got me some pads. Back then I was a pad snob. Mind you I was in my teens so pardon my ignorance and being raised in the US, I wondered what are these huge pads without wings. If you’ve ever seen a pad from a third world country, you know they are super bulky, some don’t have the sticky side and most feel like what I’d imagine wearing a diaper feels like. Looking back, I had no idea how “good” I had it to have access to pads that were affordable, designed to prevent leaks, and comfortably thin to wear. I remember not knowing what to do with the leftover pads when I’d bring them back to NY and could go back to using US products. This film sheds light on so much of what’s wrong with the world now. The reality that women in third world countries have no access to clean water or soap and cannot rely on reusable products. That it was accepted for women and girls to put their education and careers on hold because they had their period every month. That the cost of pads were so high that not all women could afford to use pads, and a solution to decrease costs could in turn create opportunities for women to become self sufficient. As a pelvic pain physician I sure am proud to see The Pad Project and Period. End of Sentence. bring attention to a huge win for mankind, yes men and women, because women have the ability to procreate from a natural biological ability like menstruation. I hope some men can appreciate that!

    Also on a side- I saw the Indian movie Padman, which was a true story of the man who created the the machine for his wife and family!

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  • Anynomous
    22 February 2019

    When the doctor becomes the patient. (Couldn’t resist a selfie in these oversized gown shorts). Thankfully nothing serious but what an experience being on the other side. Waiting for the doctor, wondering why it’s taking so long I wondered, is it because something is wrong or does the doctor even know I am waiting. Maybe he’s writing notes like I often do in between patients. Maybe he’s eating a quick bite, like I often do since there’s no designated lunch break. Or maybe he’s just taking a moment to review my images. I’ll never know, but for those few minutes while I wait a sense of anxiousness overcomes. Now I get why so many of patients bring their partners or family members to their appointments. As a doctor married to a doctor I can count the times on one hand that my husband has come to one of my appointments.

    For my colleagues- try to imagine for one minute being on the other side. Make your patients visit easier on them. Be friendly. Make sure you answer all their questions. Some of us have harder jobs. . As a patient- express your concerns with your doctor. It’s virtually impossible not to be anxious. What are some things that would help make going to the doctor a bit easier? . #docsofinsta #doctor #medicalassistant #medschool #medstudentlife #residency #physicianassistant #appointment #doctors #pelvicpain #orthopedic #physicaltherapy #physiatry #pain #wellness #prevention #preventativemedicine #preventativehealth #lifestyle #health #medicine #medical #rolereversal

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  • Anynomous
    17 February 2019

    I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called “Period. End of sentence.” The name was so fitting because for women in India, having a period is almost like being sentenced to a crime. A crime of being a woman who has an “illness that causes her to bleed.” Spoiler alert: the women create a product that helps other women and girls go on with their life despite having their monthly period. They become self sufficient by having a career in business but also a well designed disposable product- a pad. Something that we in America have had for years.

    I wondered if they have made reusable period panties in third world countries like they have here in the United States. @shethinx period panties have significantly decreased my need to ever buy disposable menstrual products. For my heavier days I will use a pad and wear a Thinx panty as back up and use them alone on light days. Using Thinx gives me the comfort of not needing a bulky pad or tampon when I slept, work out or during the day. I don’t need panty liners for the light spotting days. It’s been great way to be eco friendly. This is a product I’ve been using for years before I started talking about periods and pelvic pain publicly. So feel free to DM me questions you may have. For $10 off use the link in bio or shethinx.com/tayyaba to access my personal page.

    They have also come out with a line of period panties and kits for young girls who are just getting their first period. The line is call Between. Check it out for the young girls in your lives. Save them from the embarrassment of leaks and ruined sheets.

    #thinx #shethinx #thinxleader #periods #menstrual #periodpanty #endometriosis #pelvicpain #pelvichealth #sustainability #ecofriendly #savetheearth #reusable #menstruation #adenomyosis #pcos #postpartum #pelvicpain #periodshaming #stressincontinence #period #endofsentence

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  • Anynomous
    15 February 2019

    Happy Valentines Day to all those celebrating! . . For some this day can bring a lot of anxiety. The pressure to be with someone or to have a sexual encounter can be overwhelming, especially for people with pelvic pain or any pain. Many of my patients who have pain with intercourse, or pain after intercourse have complained about the stress of Valentine’s Day. Remember that this day is not supposed to be centered around sex. It’s not about the chocolate and the flowers. It should be about love. And love is not having intercourse when it is going to hurt so don’t feel forced into it. . . Pain with sex is real, and not normal, so please seek medical attention if it does hurt. Mostly because it doesn’t have to! I can’t tell you how many times I hear that people think it’s normal to have pain during intercourse. Or the shock they have when they hear that men have pain with sex too. . . #dyspareunia #painfulsex #love #valentinesday #vday #vaginismus #pelvicpain #pelvicpainawareness #intercourse #gynecologist #urologist #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicfloormuscles

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  • Anynomous
    08 February 2019

    Reverse Table Pose after a work is great because it provides a deep stretch to the upper body, including your shoulders, chest, abdomen, and spine. It also improves balance and posture. Additionally, it will strengthen the wrists, arms, buttocks, legs, and back. . . It is a great pose to counteract a long day of forward-facing action, such as computer work, driving, and traveling. . . Do not practice Reverse Table if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, or a shoulder, neck, or wrist injury. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. Remember listen to your body. If you can only hold a pose for a few seconds- that’s ok. You are working on building up that time. . . #yoga #yogainspiration #stretch #yogalife #yogafit #yogaposes #yogagirl #yogagram #workout #workoutmotivation #workoutclothes #workouttoeat #workoutroutine #workoutoftheday #workoutinstyle #workoutfashion #workoutfit #workoutquotes #workoutflow #workoutwithme #workoutmode #workoutvibes #yogachallenge #yogaallday #fitnessmotivation #fitness

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  • Anynomous
    08 February 2019

    Hope to see some of you at the The Endometriosis Summit: Patient & Practitioner Town Meeting on March 3rd!

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  • Anynomous
    06 February 2019

    Understanding a patients pain level is quite challenging, because we as doctors are not personally experiencing our patient’s pain, and every person responds to pain differently. For this reason, several pain scales were created to help assess the extent of one's pain, all of which are meant to help improve communication between healthcare providers and patients.

    The two most commonly used are Numerical rating scales which use numbers to rate pain and Visual analog scales (VAS) which typically asks a patient to mark a place on a scale that aligns with their level of pain. Though these scales are not perfect they can help gauge a patient’s pain level before, during and after treatments. As a physiatrist we also use a functional assessment scale to evaluate the patient’s function in regards to their ability to do activities of daily living (walk, run, have intercourse, bowels, bladder etc). Because many of our patients have multiple pain generators we are very aware the pain scales aren’t very accurate because for example- a patient can have a 2/10 pain level in their back but a 8/10 in the abdomen.

    Though our goal is to decrease pain levels we also want to see our patients functioning at a high level. Many times patients are unable to tolerate pain medications because of side effects, so we have to come up with solutions that can improve their ability to function- this is our ultimate goal.

    #wellnesswednesday #wellness #wellnessblogger #painscale #pain #pelvicpainawareness #pelvicpainsupport #nycdoc #docsofinsta #medicine #medstudent #healthcare #pelvicphysicaltherapy #pelvicpt #pelvicfloordysfunction #silentillness #chronicpain #spoonie #chronicpelvicpain #painsomnia #constipation #sibo #interstitialcystitis #prostatitis #pudendalneuralgia #hardflaccid #pgad #pelvicfloordysfunction #hypertonicpelvicfloor

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