Dr. Kirby is a wonderful physician! I have complete confidence in his capable hands. He was not only great in treating me, but I also brought my 95 year old mother in to see him. He and his staff treated her with the utmost respect and gentleness. He's a delightful person and has a l lovely staff. I recommend him highly.
Possessing the character of Idi Amin, I would never go to a doctor that treats people in the cutthroat manner as Matt Kirby. He uses people and throws them away, like garbage, when he is done with them. Having no concern for others futures, while climbing a ladder to an Ivory tower, is the epitome of heartless. Perhaps if the regular, massive collection of empty wine bottles, in the recycle bin (think AbFab Patsy & Edina), were not there he could afford the perfect help he hired. Living beyond ones means has an extreme costto ones attitude, bank account and, ultimately, those who depend upon a job. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you is not Matt Kirby's ethic.