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DivetoGarden is located at 6037 N Fry Rd, 126-498, Katy, TX, 77449,. They can be contacted via email at gomesalen07@gmail.com, visit their website divetogarden.com for more detailed information.

DivetoGarden provides a high-end greenhouse which is designed for protecting tender or out-of-season plants from excessive cold or heat. The greenhouse features a spacious interior that provides ample room for plants to grow and flourish. With its tall height and wide span, it allows for maximum sunlight exposure, creating an ideal environment for plant growth. A high-end greenhouse means a greenhouse which is the most expensive and is made with polycarbonate and glass with strong aluminium frames. The greenhouse is equipped with advanced ventilation systems, including adjustable roof vents and side windows, allowing for proper air circulation and temperature control. Furthermore, our high-end greenhouse is designed with aesthetic appeal in mind. It features a sleek and modern design that seamlessly blends into any outdoor space. The aluminum frame is available in various colors, allowing you to choose one that complements your existing landscape.

Tags : #HighEndGreenhouse

Location :
6037 N Fry Rd, 126-498, Katy, TX, 77449,
Added by Alen Gomes, at 01 March 2024

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