Hi! I'm a Racist piece of Corn. I can make America Great Again by eliminating all other vegetables!!. [read more]
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D. [read more]
The Willy Wonka of weed!. [read more]
Candidates for Catholic U’s SGA Executive Board for the 2019-2020 school year. Who are we? Check back on March 18th to see! Elections are on April 2!. [read more]
Fort Lincoln is a neighborhood located in northeastern Washington, D. C. It is bounded by Bladensburg Road to the northwest, Eastern Avenue to the northeast, New York Avenue NE to the south,.. [read more]
Capitol Impact Group is a full service, bipartisan firm specializing in government relations, lobbying, business and political consulting. . [read more]
The Nin95ive Agency is a social firm that is here to generate a following for brands and individuals predominantly via event production and social media. [read more]
The Khmer Republic was the pro–United States military-led republican government of Cambodia that was formally declared on 9 October 1970. Politically, the Khmer Republic was headed by General.. [read more]
A unique co-working space developed within Bay Atlantic University in the heart of Washington, D. C. . [read more]
The Business Achievement Awards Business Achievement Awards are open to all organizations operating in the U. S. A. , and feature a wide variety of categories. [read more]
We at Gaurik Solutions, provide Cyber Security Jobs for Freshers as well as for Experienced in the U. S. We Have No. of companies linked with us, For the Hiring Process. [read more]
Based out of Washington, DC, Design2Print LLC is a printing and graphic design company. We encourage online shopping, but allow local pickup. We specialize in wide format printing, with a.. [read more]
Hi, I’m Durul Currently I am a 👨🏻💻Health Research Program’s Senior Software Engineer and Photographer based in📍DC 🇺🇸 All pics 📸 were taken by me and are © copyrighted. [read more]
双橡园,是位于美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的古迹建筑,为中华民国政府国有财产。于1937年至1978年间,作为九任中华民国驻美国大使官邸,而后辗转为驻美国台北经济文化代表处购回,并于1986年2月5日由美国政府依其历史背景及建筑特色列入国家史迹名录。. [read more]
Whistleblower News Network is an independent online newspaper providing our readers with up-to-date information on whistleblowing. . [read more]
Actualice la información más reciente sobre Mark Ruffalo. [read more]
Howard Anthony Events is all you will need to plan your perfect stress free events. . [read more]
Event Planner/ Specialist. [read more]
백악관은 미국 워싱턴 D. C. 펜실베이니아 거리 NW에 위치한 미국 대통령의 공식 거처이자 주요 업무지이다. 1800년 존 애덤스 대통령 이후로.. [read more]
We give loans from $1,000. 00 to $20,000,000. 00!!! and our interest rate is cheap as 4%. Apply for your loan now, the door of financial opportunity is open to everyone. [read more]
New City Development and Design-Build, located at 1509 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. They can be contacted via phone at +1 202-952-9466 for more detailed information. [read more]
モルモン・トレイルは、1846年から1868年に末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会の信徒が通った総延長1,300マイル の道である。今日、モルモン・トレイルは「モルモン開拓者国定歴史の道」として国定トレイル・システムの一部になっている。 モルモン・トレイルは、1839年から1846年まで末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会の主要開拓地だったイリノイ州ノーブーから、ブリガム・ヤングとその追随者達が1847年を初めとして移り住んだユタ州ソルトレイクシティまで続いている。アイオワ州カウンシルブラフスからワイオミング州ブリッジャー砦まではオレゴン・トレイルやカリフォルニア・トレイルとほぼ同じ経路を辿っており、これらの道は集合的に移民の道と呼ばれている。 モルモン開拓者の移動は、この教派が隣人との紛争に直面した1846年に、指導者ヤングがノーブーを捨ててグレートベースンに新しい教会の本拠を設立することを決めたときに始まった。この年、ヤングの追随者達はアイオワ州を横切った。途中である者達は開拓地を作るよう割り当てられ、後の移民のために作物を植えて収穫した。1846年から1847年の冬、移民たちはアイオワ州やその近くの州、さらには後にネブラスカ州となるまだ組織化されていなかった領土で冬を過ごした。最も大きな集団はネブラスカのウィンター・クォーターズで過ごした。1847年春、ヤングは先行隊を率いて、当時はアメリカ合衆国の領土外で後にユタ州となったソルトレイク・バレーに向かった。この最初の年の移民達は大半が元ノーブーの住人であり、ヤングに従ってユタまで同行した。後に、この移民たちは次第にイギリス諸島やヨーロッパ大陸からの改宗者を包含していった。 モルモン・トレイルは1869年に最初の大陸横断鉄道が完成するまで20年以上にわたって使われた。その移民の中には1856年から1860年にかけてのモルモン手押し車開拓者隊がいた。ジェイムズ・G・ウィリーとエドワード・マーティンに率いられた手押し車隊の2つは、出発が遅かったためにワイオミングで激しい暴風雪に遭うという惨事を経験した。. [read more]
Hola Chicos, esta es mi página de Byler Shippers, aquí solo hay bylers, nada de Hate a Mileven ni a otro Shipp thank You �. [read more]
Hope for the Elderly aims to redefine society's negative notions of older persons and to encourage intergenerational exchanges and understandings. . [read more]
Blogs,News,motivational post and up to date news on African's step to unite and our country's step to unit. [read more]
Inspiring commerce and business expansion for local businesses to new reaches and to the World and to localize global strategies. . [read more]
Philosophy. Theories and Perspectives about the Causes and Origin of Social Conflicts. Analysis and Research of History of World Conflicts and its Impacts. [read more]
Afarson Fitness center, located at Washington D. C. , DC 20011. [read more]
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is located in West Potomac Park in Washington, D. C. , next to the National Mall. The Memorial covers four acres and includes the Stone of Hope, a granite.. [read more]
アトラス・ソサイエティ(The.. [read more]
He likes pie. . [read more]
A non-profit historical membership boat club of ordinary people who love boating. Members provide the labor & expenses for the club’s upkeep and maintenance to save on costs and enable.. [read more]
Authentic images to capture the heart of your story. Personal brand photography for entrepreneurs & influencers who want to help the world. . [read more]
Enterprise Solutions. [read more]