The KeePressingOn Project serves businesses, teams, and executives who seek to generate growth and increased productivity thru relationships that build trust, encourage excellence, and create.. [read more]
International Tax & Investment Center, located at 1800 K St NW, Washington D. C. 20006. They can be contacted via phone at +12025309799 for more detailed information. [read more]
내셔널 퍼블릭 라디오는 미국의 공영 라디오 방송국이다. 본사는 워싱턴 D. C. 에 있다. 개요NPR은 1967년 미국 의회에서 통과된 공공방송법에 의하여 공공방송협회(CPB)가 설립되었고, CPB를 통하여 1970년 2월 26일에 NPR이 비영리 재단으로 설립하였으며 1971년 4월 첫 방송을 시작하였다. [read more]
teKnoluxion Consulting is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business that has spent the last 13 years directly supporting both small and large businesses. [read more]
Muzeul Național al Indienilor Americani este un muzeu deschis în Washington D. C. . In muzeu sunt prezentate exponate, obiecte care sunt în legătură cu viața, limba, literatura și.. [read more]
La Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos es una corporación estadounidense cuyos miembros sirven pro bono como "consejeros a la nación en ciencia, ingeniería y medicina. [read more]
A Academia Nacional de Ciências é uma corporação nos Estados Unidos cujos membros servem "pro bono" como "conselheiros da nação em ciência, em engenharia e em medicina". [read more]
Denny Builders, we are a construction and remodeling company. House Cleaning. [read more]
All-Purpose Shaw is a restaurant, located at 1250 9th St NW # NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20001. They can be contacted via phone at +12028496174 for more detailed information. [read more]
This page is strictly designed to address tennis movement. Feel free to post and share footwork exercises and tips for all to see. . [read more]
St Anthony's Catholic Church Of Washington is a school, located at 12 Lawrence Lawrence, Washington D. C. 20017. They can be contacted via phone at +12025264657 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fresh Butter Chicken served daily until we run out! Please call to inquire about the status if after 1:00PM: 202-331-4175. [read more]
白宮(White House,也稱白-{}-屋)是美國總統官邸與主要辦公場所,位於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區西北區,賓夕法尼亞大道1600號。自1800年美國第二任總統約翰·亞當斯入住以來,白宮就是美國歷任總統在位時的居所。白宮由愛爾蘭裔建築師設計,工程期為1792年至1800年,建材使用白色的,風格則是新古典主義式樣。第三任總統湯瑪斯·傑佛遜於1801年搬入白宮後,他和建築師為了隱蔽白宮馬廄與儲藏室,而在白宮每側增添少許列柱。到了1814年,英軍在1812年戰爭中縱火摧毀華盛頓特區,白宮內部遭受火焚,外觀也被燒黑。待美軍收復華盛頓後,美國政府便立刻重建白宮,第五任總統詹姆斯·門羅於1817年10月搬進部分重建完成的白宮行政官邸。其後白宮建築工事仍持續進行,美國政府分別於1824年和1829年完成增建白宮南、北面的門廊。隨著美國政府逐漸擴大,白宮作為辦公場所顯得越來越擁擠。第二十六任總統西奧多·羅斯福於1901年要求白宮內所有辦公室遷往新建成的白宮西廂辦公室,八年後第二十七任總統威廉·霍華·塔虎脫擴建西廂辦公室,並增建橢圓形辦公室作為總統辦公室之用。主建築部分,三樓原本用作閣樓,也在1927年轉為總統家庭的起居空間。至於與傑佛遜柱廊相連的,落成後便一直用作處理白宮的社交事務,接待訪客、民眾與外賓,並於1946年改建擴大辦公空間。1948年,美國政府發現白宮的外部承重牆與內部木樑並無效用。第三十三任總統哈瑞·S·杜魯門任內便拆除白宮所有房間,以鋼樑作為白宮新建築結構的承重建材;此工程完工後,白宮所有房間才再度重建。今日的白宮建築群包括行政官邸、西廂、東廂、與布萊爾宮等建物。行政官邸共有五層,包括、大廳層、國家層、第二層與第三層。而一般語境下所稱的「白宮」,通常是對「美國總統行政辦公室」或總統行政與顧問團隊的轉喻,如「白宮宣布……」。此外,由於白宮是,其產權屬於美國國家公園管理局,是「總統公園」的一部分。2007年,白宮獲美國建築師學會評選為美國最受喜愛的建築第二名。历史1790年12月,在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区定址后,根据一项国会动议,建造白宮。乔治·华盛顿总统亲自协助城市规划师皮埃尔·查尔斯·朗方(Pierre Charles L'Enfant)选址。主持工程的建筑师通过比赛选出,共收到九个方案。来自南卡罗莱纳州的爱尔兰人詹姆斯·霍本(James Hoban)获得这项殊荣。工程于1792年10月13日奠基,它的设计模仿现为爱尔兰议会所在地,原为在爱尔兰首都都柏林的一所公爵官邸倫斯特府(Leinster House)的一、二层。华盛顿总统并不完全满意最初的设计,他认为原稿设计太小,不适合做总统的住所。借鉴其故居的设计,将白宮的设计按比例放大了30%,并增加了东厅。工程于1800年11月1日竣工,耗时8年,花费232,371. [read more]
Angelo m nails is a spa, located at 615 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington D. C. 20003. They can be contacted via phone at (202) 543-0260 for more detailed information. [read more]
링컨 암살 사건은 미국 남북 전쟁이 끝난 지 5일 후인 1865년 4월 14일 금요일(성금요일) 오후 10시경 미국의 16대 대통령 에이브러햄 링컨 대통령이.. [read more]
The Embassy of France in Washington, D. C. is the primary French diplomatic mission to the United States. It is located at 4101 Reservoir Road, Northwest, Washington, D. [read more]
Organized by Mr. Samuel Bonds in 1986 & under the current direction of Dr. Monique Spells, the national award-winning Duke Ellington School of the Arts Show Choir continues to thrill.. [read more]
Founded in 1984 by Cindy Athey, Precision Wall Tech is an award-winning woman-owned painting and wallcovering contractor based in the greater Washington, DC area. [read more]
The Harold Washington Library Center is the central library for the Chicago Public Library System. It is located just south of the Loop 'L', at 400 S. [read more]
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Washington, DC. . [read more]
The DC GRAYS are a baseball franchise that plays in the Cal Ripken Collegiate Baseball League. . [read more]
Adopolis is a nonprofit organization founded to serve children throughout the world. Adopolis' staff has over 30 years experience assisting in adoption placements and serving children and families. [read more]
Advocating for person-centered Medicaid reform. . [read more]
We Help Business Owners Build Their Business Credit So They Can Access Capital Without A Personal Guarantee. . [read more]
Crunch Fitness - Chevy Chase is a gym, located at 5100 Wisconsin Ave NW Ste A, Washington D. C. 20016. They can be contacted via phone at +12026217622 for more detailed information. [read more]
Invictus Models are amateur and professional MALE models in the DMV area that cover various areas of fashion including but not limited to commercials, acting, advertisements and modeling. [read more]
Pillar Church of Washington D. C. is a new church plant in SW D. C. that exists to help people know Jesus and make Him known in D. C. and around the world. [read more]
1993 yılından bugüne 3000'e yakın ulusal ve uluslararası program ve konser sundu, onlarca sanatçı ile çalışma fırsatı buldu. 10 bin saatin üzerinde canlı yayın yaptı. [read more]
Federal Government Compensation Grants is for all support health insurance, workers Compensation grant, support retired, workers, teachers, disaster victims , promote high unemployment,.. [read more]
Forster Law Firm focuses on estate planning, probate and real estate litigation in the District of Columbia and Virginia. www. forsterlawfirm. com www. [read more]
US Department of Education - PCP is a school, located at 550 12th St SW, Washington D. C. 20202. They can be contacted via phone at +12022456700 for more detailed information. [read more]
منظمة اسسها قدماء المحاربين الأتحاديين في الحرب الأهلية ، بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ، واقاموا.. [read more]
Wirtz Labor Library, U. S. Dept. of Labor is a library, located at 200 Constitution Ave NW, Rm N-2445, Washington D. C. 20210. They can be contacted via phone at (202) 693-6600 for more.. [read more]
Presidential Healthcare Center, located at 5215 Loughboro Rd NW Ste 470, Washington D. C. 20016. They can be contacted via phone at +12025371100 for more detailed information. [read more]
The is the official page of the Musical Theatre Area in The Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art at The Catholic University of America. . [read more]