Destiny Coaching & Events is located at California, United States. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Destiny by Design & Love Transformation coach and speaker. What is your destiny? Do you know....really know...deep in your soul the life you are destined to live and the love you are destined to experience? Are you fulfilling that destiny? Or, like many of us, are you stuck on the hamster wheel of life? Surviving or mindlessly getting by day-by-day rather than thriving and designing every single day? Or, perhaps you have no idea what you are destined to be, do and have in this lifetime? Good news...YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOUR DESTINY! You get to align with your higher calling and design the life of your dreams! It would be my pleasure to guide and show you how! Now let's talk about loooove. Are you experiencing deep, meaningful, loving relationships? Or, like most, are you settling for convenience, connection and mediocrity rather than the passionate, deep, beautiful love you are meant to be and have? Let's work together to free your soul from past traumas, limitations, and experiences and invite in the glowing love you have always been destined to be and have! Call (951) 640-3556 for a complimentary discovery session today!
Tags : #ProfessionalTrainingCoaching, #ProfessionalTraining&Coaching
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Jopie, at 01 January 2020