If it weren’t for the lack of a used book store I would’ve have any reason to leave. Lots of heritage, lots of cool stuff going on, lots of fun.
My visit yesterday was amazing..just entering the base on a tour bus was an adventure in itself. So grateful for the level of security at this great American facility.
pretty noice if your an airplane lover like me.
Very nice place to see and there are so many planes there and it is so beautiful scene to see that..
What if 16th and Nellis TDY to Davis-Monthan enjoyed it a lot of pecan trees
Lived there and loved itsuch a great experience to see the progrès of our air defense
It's a dinner. Good comfort food. Low cost . Chilli is good.
Born and raised can't wait to go home. Father proudly served 25 yrs in ammo. Whoop Whoop mcl thank you foryour service dad.
Now I live here. I flew in here in 61 in a AT6 to pick up a General that owned the plane. I was to pick him up and return him to California. While here I had the chance to visit some of the features of the base. I was really impressed. Years later I moved to Tucson and have been here 17 years. I have the opportunity to visit the base now and then and always welcome. A great way to spend the day and bring the family. If you love aircraft this is the best place to enjoy them.