Jesus stated in Matthew 16:18 that he would build His Church. Darien Loop is one of the locations where the church of Christ meets. Come worship with us! Sunday morning bible classes begin at 9:00am. Morning worship service begins at 10:00am. Evening worship service begins at 4:00pm. Wednesday evening bible class begins at 6:00pm.
A snippet from Bro. Parker's breakdown of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Sunday 9/17/17
Feeling down, burdened or pressured? Meet us at Darien Loop and hear what the Lord has to say! Today's Sermon: Distressed But Not Defeated! Here's glimpse of our Ministering Evangelist.
Feeling down, burdened or pressured? Meet me at Darien Loop Church of Christ at 10 am and hear what the Lord has to say! ~Minstering Evangelist, Lewis Parker, IV
Our hearts and prayers are with all Houstonians. May the God of comfort, peace and mercy shelter us all. #Psalms 91
The Northside Church of Christ in Huntsville, Texas is inviting all to their Gospel Meeting with Evangelist Bro. Lewis Parker, IV of the Darien Loop Church of Christ, Houston, Tx.! Meeting begins Wednesday, April 19- Friday, April 21, 2017 @ 7:30pm nightly. Homecoming Sunday, April 23, 2017: Morning worship at 11am and evening worship at 2pm.
Our minister, Bro. Parker, IV, will be delivering sermons on relevant and thought provoking topics! We are certainly excited about this endeavor!
SERMON & TEXT: "When There's No Shamefulness Nor Rosiness In Ungodliness" Jeremiah 5:7-8; 6:15
Our hearts are saddened due to the loss of 2 of our faithful brethren. These men served without waver in God's kingdom. It has been a tough week for the saints at Darien Loop church of Christ, but we know that the God of all comfort will continue to extend unto us His grace, favor and peace!
"God, we love You with our entire beings and submit our hearts entirely into Your care. Make light our heavy load. Thank You for being our burden bearer. Please bless and comfort the family and loved ones of Your fallen faithful spiritual soldiers and the entire Darien Loop family. In Jesus' holy Name, Amen!"
Our minister, Bro. Lewis Parker, IV, as he shares a powerful and encouraging message from God's Word! Sermon topic: "Greatest Gift Ever!" Happy Holidays from the Darien Loop church family!
Message at the Loop this morning from our Minister Bro. Parker,IV
Today, Darien Loop church of Christ had our church picnic and had an amazing time! We enjoyed fellowship, food, and fun! On last Lord's day, Bro. Parker, IV brought an inspiring message on the power of repentance and forgiveness. After playing football today at the church picnic as if he believed he is still 18 years old, tomorrow, God-willing, Bro. Parker, IV will find a way to drag himself to mount the pulpit so that the Lord will use him in a mighty way while he preaches on what it means to be totally committed to Christ. Please come out and worship with the Darien family and enjoy a word from the Lord!
On this past Sunday, Bro. Lewis Parker, IV brought a very powerful and encouraging word regarding maintaining one's identity using the example of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. This word from the Lord benefitted both saints at Darien, as well as visitors which joined us for Darien's Back 2 School Blessing and school supply giveaway. It is amazing to be reminded that the Lord is with us wherever we go!
On this upcoming Sunday, August 28, 2016, Bro. Parker, IV intends to bring to us a word from the Lord regarding the importance of grace and forgiveness, and the power of letting go. Please come join us as we praise our God!