Damask Raven sells reproduction silks for the historical costumer with flair.
One of like four pictures in existence of @punknaught and I together. But 14 years is pretty #romantic for @redthreaded #fallforcostume challenge
Here we go! #purple for todays #fallforcostume theme. At a Halloween party, where I was sampling whiskey...lots of whiskey
The coldest costume I have for the #fallforcostume theme of #cold is the cold shoulder I got from my cat when I had to put him in a onesie to keep him from licking his stitches. Plus its a picture of a cat in a onesie...so that's funny #catsofinstagram #cats #costuming #notreally #stillfunny
I seriously wasn't sure if I had pictures of me in my ultra #warm cloak for todays #fallforcostume challenge. Made of wool and lined with thick cotton flannel, I've literally worn this in a New Years snowfall while watching fireworks and been completely toasty.
#memade #historybounding #sewsewsew #handmade
Some of the #tools I'm using today as I learn to make a Stand Pocket. #fallforcostume #tailoring #sewing #memade #womensinstitute
Getting ready to march in the High Desert Steam parade in Virginia City a few years ago seams like a perfect picture for todays #fallforcostume theme of #steam
#steampunk #costuming #cosplay
#green is today's theme for @redthreaded #fallforcostume challenge and this is the greenest thing I own, a Turkish coat in green paisley silk.
#turkishcoat #memade #sewing #sewsewsew #silk #silkfabric