Custom Built Nutrition is a meal delivery, located at 962 Delaware Ave, Lexington, Kentucky 40505, United States. Visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
- Meal Prep & Nutrition Coaching- Custom Gourmet Meals, Vacuum-Sealed & Delivered- Nutrition Based on Science- Meals BUILT on Macronutrients - Macro Calculator provided on website & mobile app to calculate Nutritional Needs & Customize Individual Meals- Organic- Gluten-Free- Non-GMO- No Antibiotics, Hormones, or Preservatives- Locally Sourced- Always Fresh, Never Frozen- Pure, Simply, & High Quality Ingredients- Premium Gourmet Meals- Chef Prepared Meals - Antibiotic-Free Meats- Macro-Based MealsAll meals are Gluten-Free. Create your own meal option for specific macro requirements and specialty diets such as Vegetarian/Vegan, Paleo, and Keto. - Socially Responsible- Eco-Friendly - Recyclable Products - Box made from Recycled Materials - Reusable Insulated Zippered Tote Bag - Reusable Gel Ice Packs - Reusable Meal Containers
Tags : #Health, #WellnessFitness, #Wellness, #MealPrep, #Fitness
Location :
962 Delaware Ave, Lexington, Kentucky 40505
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020