Crumbles Cakery is a company, located at 6810 Golfview Dr, Countryside, Illinois 60525, United States. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Taylor Pintaro (BakerTay) is a DePaul University graduate who has been baking as long as she can remember. Before beginning Crumbles, Taylor spent over ten years experimenting and creating custom cakes for family and friends under the name BakerTay. During that time, while she was perfecting her craft, she continued to fall deeper in love with the art of cake. In 2013, after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, it became Taylor's dream to open a bakery where both traditional and allergy-friendly cakes were available and could be 100% trusted to be free of cross contamination. After having her first son in 2015, Taylor decided to teach him to follow his dreams by following her own, and Crumbles was born.
Tags : #FoodBeverages, #CakePops, #CustomCakes, #AllergenfriendlyBakedGoods, #CustomCupcakes
Location :
6810 Golfview Dr, Countryside, Illinois 60525
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020