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CREATE Foundation Kosovo is located at New York, United States. Visit their website www.createfoundation-ks.org or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

CREATE's vision is that Kosovo as well as the entire region of Western Balkans is a place where social entrepreneurship becomes a valued part of society and culture and is supported and encouraged institutionally across all three sectors: public, private and civil society. Social entrepreneurship is recognized and valued as a legitimate and positive way for individuals and groups to address and tackle social problems ranging from unemployment, to inequality and exclusion, to the environment, or any other type of challenge faced by society. We envision a society where all individuals and groups, regardless of who they represent or how they self-identify, can safely and comfortably take risks to innovate and raise up others.

Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement, #AccessToInformation, #ProductiveCommunities, #GoodGovernance, #EconomicOpportunity

Location :
New York
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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