Son expertos en dañar aros mediante el fino arte de guayarlos y en dejarte esperando para poder hablar con el Dueño del negocio. ¿Que tecnico automotriz con especializacion en montura de gomas, que se respete a si mismo, le quita a un aro de un vehiculo una pesa para balanceo de gomas con un destornillador de paleta? Por esta luz que me alumbra, no le vuelvo a comprar ni una goma a estos pusilanimes.
Now in English. These wiseguys are experts in scratching the inner part of the rims of any car and they also enjoy leaving you waiting for the Store's Manager which you are certainly never going to meet. I mean, what self respecting Automotive Technician who specializes in Tire Balance or related area, uses a Flat-Bladed Screwdriver to remove tire weights from inside a car's wheel!? I swear by God Almighty, I am never buying a single tire from these guys ever again. I really hope this review is useful to people who want or plan to make business with these guys.
Excelente servicio, amabilidad. Esperaron a que llegara de lejos (Caguas) aun cuando estaba fuera de horario. Los mejores. 10 de 10