We have combined the best Mother Nature and Science have to offer in terms of elements, physics and experience; the result of which helps you catch more fish and reduce your impact on the environment.
Best of all, CorQs Strike Indicators are Made in America!
‘‘Twas the luck of the Irish today on the San Juan River! #soaringeaglelodge #corqs
Check out this testimonialCorQs can make a difference in your fishing trip.
Stuck a biggin using #corqs
Bob Dey drifted a CorQ over this 29-inch browns head time-after-time for an hour before he finally ate a size 24 flyit's a stealthy little strike indicator.
We’d like to welcome Hunter to the #sanjuanriver 20/20 club! #corqs #soaringeaglelodge Soaring Eagle Lodge
PSA: Please leave spawning fish alone; give them a few weeks off and they will reward you for years to come!
Strike Indicators that are sensitive enough to detect bites from both of these monsters! #corqs
We appreciate y'all supporting an American-made product!
It's been a fantastic season thus far on the San Juan River; full of memories that started with the twitch of a CorQ!
We're catching them on CorQs!
#legacyflyshops Congrats on 80-years!
Do you see why I see?
Looks like we've got a strike indicator that's ready to hit the water and bring you a smile
When you've gotta get down with the nymph in the winter, CorQs helps you get the job done!
Orvis has the perfect stocking stuffer for those flyfishing enthusiasts in your life! #orvis #corqs #flyfishing
Looking for a stocking stuffer in Charlottesville, VA? Field & Stream has all the CorQs you need to catch the fish you chase
#fieldandstream #corqs #flyfishing
The key to catching big fish on a CorQ is "oscillation"; don't wait for the dunk, set as soon as you see a rotation.
CorQs two-tone design helps identify light strikes -- this 24-inch beast barely moved the strike indicator but we saw it oscillate. corqsflyfishing.com #corqs #strikeindicators
Sooie! Woooooooo, Pig! Sooie! Welcome to the 20/20 club Troycaught'm under a 1/2" white CorQ on a size 24 midge pattern!