
Cooking with the Basics

I love to cook from scratch and to make simple, kid friendly meals with basic ingredients I have in my food storage and pantry.

Tags : Grocery Store

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Hi, I am Kristy! I am a simple girl, living in an small town, doing the best I can (with my hubby) to raise our 5 kids. I love to cook from scratch. Growing up my mom always cooked from scratch so that is all I knew. I am forever grateful for her and for her teaching me! Being able to cook from scratch with the basic ingredients I have in my pantry and food storage has saved us through those times when money has been a little tighter at the end of the month. It's also been a huge life saver when my youngest had many food intolerance's and I had to make just about everything from scratch while we healed his gut issues. I have learned so much along the way! I have a passion for healthy whole foods and I love to stay fit and exercise. I am excited for you to join with me in my journey, as I blog about what has helped my family and share our Cooking with the Basic recipes!

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