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Confetti Meadowlark is located at 2248 S Mound St, Milwaukee, WI 53207. They can be contacted via phone at (414) 477-0994, visit their website www.ConfettiMeadowlark.com for more detailed information.

About Us!

Tags : #HomeDecor

Location :
2248 S Mound St, Milwaukee, WI 53207
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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I'm so proud of this, you guys. I really am. Le sigh. So, if you're new here, let me give you a recap.

Confetti Meadowlark is an emerging lifestyle brand that allows me to explore my love of making. Here, you will find a variety of lovingly made products with an emphasis on handmade, vintage and retro elements.

Life is a glittering playground of possibility. Confetti Meadowlark is a reflection of the beauty in all of us and exists to bring a piece of that spectacular beauty to you.

I'm on a journey here, kids, so if you're interested in the story of Confetti Meadowlark, I encourage you to check out Goldiblog, for a glimpse of how it all started!

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