Little Gym of Colorado Springs is a stadium, located at 9625 Prominent Pt, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80924. They can be contacted via phone at +17194479153 for more detailed information. [read more]
Макниколс Спортс-арена — крытая спортивная арена в городе Денвер, Колорадо, США. Названа в честь.. [read more]
One Person Scramble at Tiara Rado Golf Course in Grand Junction, CO on June 4, 2016 @ 1PM. Benefits GJ Junior Golf program. . [read more]
Carroll Butts Baseball Fields is a stadium, located at 3999 W 96TH Ave, Westminster, Colorado 80031. They can be contacted via phone at +13036507672 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lady Fitness is a full service; all-female fitness. Locally owned and operated since 1988. Our professional trainers and staff are passionate about health and fitness and dedicated to get you moving. [read more]
Winter X Games XVI were held from January 26 to January 29, 2012, in Aspen, Colorado. They were the 11th consecutive Winter X Games to be held in Aspen. [read more]
www. csc-usa. com/denver | www. facebook. com/CSC. CrowdMgmt CSC is the leader in crowd management for the nation's most prestigious venues & events. . [read more]
Bijou Creek Arena is located 3 miles east of Wiggins, CO. We hold ranch roping practices, and other horseback activities. . [read more]
Sam Suplizio Field is a stadium in Grand Junction, Colorado, United States. It is named after former Denver Bears right fielder, New York Yankees prospect and MLB Coach Sam Suplizio. [read more]
Folsom Field is an outdoor football stadium in the western United States, located on the campus of the University of Colorado in Boulder. It is the home field of the Colorado Buffaloes of the.. [read more]
Pepsi Center is an American multi-purpose arena located in Denver, Colorado. The arena is home to the Denver Nuggets of the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Colorado Avalanche of.. [read more]
Budweiser Event Center-Colorado Eagles is a stadium, located at Loveland, Colorado 80538. [read more]
The Steamboat Skating Club is relaunching the Steamboat Springs Learn to Skate program. This program is in conjunction with our USFSA Figure Skating Club under the direction of it's new Director.. [read more]
La Foret Airsoft Field is the largest airsoft field in the state of Colorado with over 200 Acres of playable terrain. . [read more]
Jean-Robert's Gym has steadily grown to over 15,000 square feet offering the best in cutting edge equipment, and becoming an integral part of supporting th. [read more]
Carol Butts Park is a stadium, located at 4201 W 94th Ave, Westminster, Colorado 80031. [read more]
The local event site for Pikes Peak International Raceway!. [read more]
Citizens Stadium Tiger football is a stadium, located at 1313 College Ave. , Canon City, Colorado 81212. They can be contacted via phone at (719) 276-5870 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fountain-Fort Carson High School is a public high school in Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 that serves the City of Fountain and Fort Carson, Colorado, United States. [read more]
Local supporters who are ecstatic about the Pecos League and the baseball players, which we enjoy so much as a community. Friends of the Trinidad Triggers serves as a base of entertainment.. [read more]
Spartans never retreat! Spartans never surrender! Go spread the word. Let every Greek assembled know the truth of this. Let each among them search his own soul. [read more]
Ray Dennison Memorial Field is a stadium, located at Durango, Colorado. [read more]
Real Colorado Soccer Aka Douglas County Soccer Association is a stadium, located at 8200 S Akron St, Centennial, Colorado 80112. They can be contacted via phone at +13036946882 for more.. [read more]
Coors Field-Gate D is a stadium, located at 2001 Blake St, Denver, Colorado 80202. They can be contacted via phone at +13038250401 for more detailed information. [read more]
Official Facebook page of the Pacific Coast Vice President of U. S. Figure Skating. Janis Engel may be contacted at: jdengel62@gmail. com. [read more]
Sports Authority Field at Mile High, previously known as Invesco Field at Mile High, and commonly known as Mile High or Mile High Stadium, is an American football stadium in Denver, Colorado. [read more]
Experience a behind the scenes look at where the Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche and Colorado Mammoth call home!. [read more]
クアーズ・フィールド(Coors Field)は、アメリカ合衆国のコロラド州デンバーにある野球場。1995年に完成し、MLBコロラド・ロッキーズのホーム球場となっている。デンバーは30年以上にわたってMLB球団を誘致してきたため、マイル・ハイ・スタジアムで開かれた1993年の新球団ロッキーズの開幕戦には80,227人の大観衆がつめかけ、年間で大リーグ史上最多の4,483,350人を動員した。当初クアーズ・フィールドは43,800人収容の予定だったが、この凄まじい観客動員を考慮して50,445人収容に上方修正された。ナショナルリーグでは1962年のドジャー・スタジアム開場以来33年ぶりとなる野球専用球場。典型的な新古典様式の球場で、外観は赤レンガと鉄骨を組み合わせた。赤レンガは球場周辺の古倉庫に調和させたもので、また鉄骨はかつてあった鉄道駅に由来している。また、センターバックスクリーンから、その一塁側に双方設置されているブルペンにかけてコロラドの自然を模した噴水付きの庭園が設置されており、ロッキーズの選手にホームランが出るとこの噴水が高く吹き上がる演出が行われる。また、隣接するビジター用ブルペンからは歩いて立ち入れるようになっており、2015年9月19日にトム・マーフィーのMLB初ホームランがここに飛び込んでしまった際に、対戦相手のサンディエゴ・パドレスのブルペンスタッフがボールの捜索のために立ち入る珍事が発生している。寒さの厳しい地域にあり、芝を守るためにグラウンドに温水を流すパイプを埋設している。球場名はビール会社クアーズにちなむ。マイル・ハイクアーズ・フィールドは標高1マイル(約1600メートル)地点にあることから通称マイル・ハイと呼ばれている。高地で気圧が低いため空気抵抗が少なくなり、結果として打球の飛距離が伸びる。ロッキーズ公式サイトでは「クアーズ・フィールドでは、打球の飛距離が海面と同じ高さの場所よりも9パーセント伸びる。ヤンキー・スタジアムで400フィート(約122メートル)飛ぶ打球は、クアーズ・フィールドではその飛距離が440フィート(約134メートル)になる」と記述されている。球場自体はかなり広いが、そのため長打も出やすく、それを減らすべく外野手が後ろに守れば前に落ちる安打も増加するといった具合で、フライボールピッチャー(フライでアウトを取る割合が多い投手)にとっては鬼門となる。その一方で、本塁打の多さは球場の標高が原因ではないとする研究結果もある。. [read more]
The Northglenn High School Boys Soccer team. . [read more]
Colo Spgs World Arena is a stadium, located at 3185 Venetucci Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906. [read more]
Located in the RiNo Arts District, the Glitterdome is Denver's most unique and versatile performing arts venue and special event space. . [read more]
USAFA Cadet Field House is a stadium, located at 2169 Field House Dr, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80840. They can be contacted via phone at (719) 333-4032 for more detailed information. [read more]
The United States Olympic Training Centers are three campuses created by the United States Olympic Committee as training facilities for its Olympic and Paralympic athletes. [read more]
Shao-Lin Kung Fu Denver is a stadium, located at 7174 Washington St, # C, Denver, Colorado 80229. They can be contacted via phone at (303) 455-4088 for more detailed information. [read more]