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Cole Holland Realty is a real estate agency, located at 4969 Millwood Dr, Canton, Georgia 30114, United States. Visit their website www.colehollandrealty.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Contact us today at 404-867-8876 to get your free portfolio analysis and find out how our investor-driven service packages can improve your bottom line.What do we offer?Cole Holland Realty specializes in providing a range of services to investors including Sourcing, Renovation Project Management, Listing Service Packages, and Property Management.Why choose us?In a fast-paced, technology-saturated world, we bring the human out from behind the machine. Our ability to adapt quickly and creatively in an ever-changing market means that you don't miss out on deals that could create the portfolio you are really seeking. Our customer service is unparalleled and it is the reason that we can close deals that other brokerages can't. Our results speak for themselves.

Tags : #RealEstate, #Acquisitions, #Sourcing, #RealEstateInvestment, #PortfolioManagement

Location :
4969 Millwood Dr, Canton, Georgia 30114
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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