
The CCU Library meets the information and research needs of CCU students, faculty, and staff.

The CCU library also welcomes alumni and other guests.

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Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #ReligiousOrganization, #College&University

Location :
2700 Glenway Ave, Cincinnati 45204

Opening Hours

  • Monday 07:45 - 23:00
  • Tuesday 07:45 - 23:00
  • Wednesday 07:45 - 22:00
  • Thursday 07:45 - 23:00
  • Friday 07:45 - 17:00
  • Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday -

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    18 July 2019

    Space Display! In honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the CCU library has a special display that shows how the Space Program affected pop culture. The display includes: Models of concept spacecraft from the 1960s and 70s. Models of spacecraft portrayed in the movies A model of the first moon landing... Models of NASA test rockets NASA collectibles An astronaut signed by Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon. Lionel train cars with NASA themes Space toy sets and individual space toys Space tin toys Postage stamps commemorating the US Space program.

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  • Anynomous
    19 May 2019

    What a great day! Our library displayed many of our artifacts on Archaeology Day at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Laura Brown and I shared the stories behind the rubbings and artifacts. I've posted pictures of the big event.

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  • Anynomous
    18 May 2019

    May 18th is the day! Our library has been asked to partner with the Cincinnati Museum Center to present some of our artifacts in conjunction with their world-famous Egyptian exhibit. We are displaying several of Ward Patterson's Egyptian rubbings and artifacts. I have included here pictures of a few of the many items that we will have on display. Our exhibit will only be open to the public from 10 am to 2 pm, but there's a possibility that we may be asked to participate again... this summer while the exhibit is in Cincinnati. Hope to see you there! Dr. Patterson made these rubbings from stone monuments in Egypt. The first rubbing is a boat that belonged to a nobleman named Ti who took care of royal tombs. The second rubbing shows fishermen pulling some pretty good size catfish out of the Nile River. The third rubbing shows a sport known as stick fighting. The contestants have helmets on and are using bundles of papyrus reeds. The next rubbing shows a boat traveling the Nile with hippos and crocodiles in the marshes. One hippo is battling a crocodile. The last rubbing shows women returning from market with food and supplies in baskets that they carry on their heads along with ducks and goats that they are leading along. These are just a few of the many items that we will have on display. Hope you can come and see what we have.

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  • Anynomous
    18 April 2019

    Here are more pictures of the Booksigning Event!

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  • Anynomous
    17 April 2019

    A great success! Thanks to all of the many people who attended the book signing. What a great time! I thought you'd enjoy seeing the photos that we took that day. You can still come to the library and see the historical displays and pick up a free copy of the Life of Christ by R. C. Foster. Thanks to Bob, Jack, Sam, and David

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  • Anynomous
    09 April 2019

    Don't miss Dave Faust at our Book Signing Event this Friday, April, 12 from 10-2. Dave is currently on staff of the East 91st St. Church in Indianapolis. His ministry at E91 involves biblical teaching, leadership development, and pastoral care. He serves as an advisor to the elders, staff, and lead pastor. Dave was president of Cincinnati Christian University for 12 years. He also has planted and led churches in New York and Ohio, has written 15 books, and has written a wee...kly column for THE LOOKOUT magazine since 1996. He also served as President of the North American Christian Convention in 2006. Dave loves the church and draws from his wide variety of ministry experiences to shepherd, teach, comfort, communicate, mentor, challenge, and encourage our congregation.He has written or co-authored books including Unquenchable Faith, Married for Good, Faith Under Fire, Embracing the Truth, The Life of Moses, Monday Morning Prayers, Monday Morning Insights, and Honest Questions/Honest Answers. Proceeds from his latest book, Lifted by Love will support the Lift project at his church. This new book will be on sale at our book signing event. Dave will be here to chat with, but he can only stay from 11-noon. See you then!

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  • Anynomous
    09 April 2019

    April 12 is your opportunity to meet Sam Stone at our Book Signing Event. Sam Stone has spent almost six decades as a leader in the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. The served 25 years as editor of the Christian Standard, the second longest-running religious periodical in American history. The also served as Dean of the Graduate School at Cincinnati Bible Seminary (now Cincinnati Christian University). While at CCU, Sam was a professor of Practical Ministries and ta...ught many young people who now serve in churches throughout the country. Sam himself held numerous leadership positions in churches, Bible colleges, parachurch organizations, church conferences, and conventions. Sam and his wife Gwen were classmates at Ozark Bible College. They were married at Center Christian Church in Mays, Indiana (the same church my wife and I grew up in and were married in). Their two children also have ministries. Jeff Stone is the senior minister at Bright Christina Church in Bright, Indiana, and Dave Stone has served the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Gwen passed away in 2015 and Sam is now at The Christian Village at Mason. Currently, Mason Christian Village is planning to build a new state-of-the-art 400-seat worship center that will be named for Sam and Gwen. You have a wonderful opportunity to meet Sam and to purchase one or more of his books, which he will be glad to sign. Sam is making copies of his many books available. These books have been out of print and are very hard to find. They are still wonderful resources for people in leadership roles in churches and for devotional reading. These books will be on sale for $10 each. (Earlier we had stated that they would be given away. We apologize for that error.)

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  • Anynomous
    08 April 2019

    Bob Russell to attend book signing!

    This Friday, April 12, Bob Russell will be here to sell and sign his latest books! You have a great opportunity to meet and greet Bob. God has blessed Bob Russell in many ways. As a young man growing up in northern Pennsylvania, Bob had intended on becoming a high school basketball coach in his hometown. During his senior year of high school, however, Bob realized a desire in his heart to enter the ministry. Soon thereafter, he enrolled in ...Cincinnati Bible Seminary where he graduated in 1965.

    At just twenty-two years of age, Bob became the pastor of Southeast Christian Church. That small congregation of 120 members became one of the largest churches in America, with 18,000 people attending the three worship services every weekend in 2006 when Bob retired. Now through Bob Russell Ministries, Bob continues to preach at churches and conferences throughout the United States, provide guidance for church leadership, mentor other ministers and author Bible study videos for use in small groups. An accomplished author, Bob has written over one-dozen books. His latest book, “After 50 Years of Ministry: 7 Things I Would Do the Same and 7 Things I Would Do Differently,” was released summer 2016 from Moody Publishers.

    Don't miss this exciting opportunity to talk with Bob!

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  • Anynomous
    06 April 2019

    Free books at the book signing! Everyone who attends will receive a free copy of R. C. Foster's Studies in the Life of Christ (3 volumes in 1). We will also have drawings for three books written by early professors at CCU. What on Earth Are You Doing? by George Mark Elliott, Successful C. E. Prayer Meetings by James DeForest Murch and The Temple Smith by William Christopher Sayers. Don't miss out on your free copy or your chance to win one of the three books.

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  • Anynomous
    05 April 2019

    Spend some time with Jack Cottrell! Jack taught at CCU for over 50 years. He has written dozens of books and other writings. His newest books will be on sale at our Book Signing. You will also have an opportunity to wish Jack well after his major surgery. Jack is still on chemo, but is planning to attend our event Friday, April 12. We want to see you there. I'm sharing some old pictures of Jack. Two pictures are of him in the classroom. One is probably soon after he started teaching here. The one with several people in it has (left to right: Dan Eynon, Jack Cottrell, Tom Friskney, Earl Sims, R.C. Foster and James E. Smith. This had to be taken before June of 1970 when Prof. Foster passed away.

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  • Anynomous
    04 April 2019

    Exciting News! The Cincinnati Museum Center has asked us to partner with it and display some of our artifacts in connection with the Egyptian Exhibit. We believe that we will be able to show some of Ward Patterson's rubbings and some other items on May 18 from 10-5. More details later!

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  • Anynomous
    22 March 2019

    This is the front cover of David Faust's new book that Dave will be signing at our library's special event on April 12

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2019

    Jack Cottrell, Bob Russell, Sam Stone, and David Faust in one big event!

    You are invited to a book signing on April 12 from 10:00 to 2:00 pm. As part of the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of George Mark Elliott Library, you can meet and greet some of our most prolific authors and obtain their books. Some books are free, others can be purchased.

    Jack Cottrell is currently publishing his previously unpublished writings. Autographed copies will be available for purchase at a d...iscount. His health permitting, Jack will also be present to sign them in person. They are: Unity and Truth, God’s Word is Truth, The God of the Bible, The Bible vs. Calvinism, and Baptism

    Bob Russell, one of CCU’s alumni, will be present to promote and autograph his newest books. Bob is the former Minister of the great Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Here are the books you can purchase for him to sign for you: When God Builds A Church, Acts of God: Why Does God Allow So Much Pain, and After Fifty Years of Ministry: Seven things I’d Do Differently and Seven Things I’d Do the Same

    Sam Stone, former Dean of Cincinnati Bible Seminary and longtime Editor of Christian Standard will also be present to sign copies of: Simply Christians and How to Be an Efficient Church Leader

    David Faust, former President of Cincinnati Christian University will promote his new book Lifted by Love. Proceeds from the sale of that book will go to the LIFT campaign at East 91st Street Christian Church. In addition, he will give away the following signed books (while supplies last): Growing Churches, Growing Leaders: How to Lead a Growing Church and Live a Balanced Life, Voices from the Hill: A Collection of Sermons from Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary Alumni, and Honest Questions, Honest Answers: How to Engage in Compelling Conversations about Your Christian Faith. David will only be here from 11:00 until noon.

    Door Prizes will be given away including three books by early CCU professors. In addition, everyone will receive a free copy of R. C. Foster’s classic work Studies on the Life of Christ!

    Refreshments Provided and Historical Items on Display. In addition to refreshments, the library has many historical and archaeological displays to commemorate the history of CCU and the ministries of such people as Dr. Wilke Winter, Dr. Ward Patterson, and LaVerne Morse. Ancient artifacts and 400 year old Bibles will be on display.

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  • Anynomous
    28 October 2018

    What a great opening day!

    This year is the 50th anniversary of the G. M. Elliott Library in its present facility. We opened our displays to the public for the first time today at Homecoming. We invite you to come and experience these displays in the days ahead. I am sharing some photos of some of the displays. You will see an actual cuneiform brick, a Geneva Bible from 1611, a compact King James Version from 1642, images preserved from stone monuments in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. Don't miss these displays let me know when you plan to come and I will be glad to give you a personal tour.--Jim Lloyd

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  • Anynomous
    09 October 2018

    50th Anniversary Celebration of the library at Cincinnati Christian University!

    Please help us celebrate 50 years in our current facility. You can view a display of archaeological items, some dating back 5000 years. We are also displaying historical and archival items that have never been displayed to the public! Alumni who come for Homecoming on October 27 will be given a personal tour. After that, we will open it up to the public. Special receptions will be held November 14... (the anniversary of R. C. Foster's Dedication address) and February 19 (the anniversary of the day we moved the books from the old to the new library facility). We do not yet have all of the displays ready to go, but you are welcome to come Oct. 27 or any other time this year. More details with photos will follow! Please friend the Cincinnati Christian University Library in order to receive current news.

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