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Cho's Champon Tae Kwondo is a school, located at 970 N Colony Rd, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492. They can be contacted via phone at (203) 284-8777, visit their website start.cortera.com for more detailed information.

Tae Kwondo School

Tags : #MartialArtsSchool

Location :
970 N Colony Rd, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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This school is located in Wallingford, CT, and is accessible by Routes 15 and 91. Master Cho, Headmaster of the School, holds a Seventh Degree Blackbelt, as well as a degree in Physical Education, majoring in Tae Kwondo. His school is affiliated with the World Taekwondo Federation, and is a member of Kukkiwon Headquarters in Seoul, Korea. Master Cho offers World Class instruction with a positive learning environment for students starting a the age of 4.

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