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Charm Alarm, LLC is a company, located at 433 N Camden Dr, Beverly Hills, California 90210-4430, United States. They can be contacted via phone at +1 424-278-4488, visit their website www.charmalarm.com, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Charm Alarm consists of an ornate, beautiful charm that is fashionable enough that you might not notice it is also a personal security device. It communicates with a smartcard that fits into your wallet, keeping the user aware of when your valuables move away from you or when you move away from them. The purpose of this page is to share updates on the development of the Charm Alarm product, along with delivering industry insights and updates relating to the wearable tech industry and trends in the jewelry industry.

Tags : #Retail

Location :
433 N Camden Dr, Beverly Hills, California 90210-4430
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


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