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CAM Products is a bar, located at 603 US-10, Ludington, Michigan 49431, United States. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

CAM is a quick response manufacturing, sales and distribution company serving the precast concrete industry. CAM is your single source for both steel and plastic reinforcement spacers, and shear steel. CAM Equipment is the North American representative for precast concrete production equipment from Brecon/Bosch, Eurobend and Habermann Materials.• Brecon / Bosch External and Internal Vibrators for the Precast Concrete Industry. • EUROBEND rebar and wire processing and fabrication equipment • Habermann Materials - Polyurethane wear parts for concrete mixers and concrete handling.CAM also is the leading provider of shear reinforcement for concrete structures.CAM offers a complete line of steel and plastic reinforcement positioners to insure proper placement of concrete reinforcement. .

Tags : #Construction, #CncHighSpeedWireFabricationPrototyping, #InjectionMolding, #EurobendRebarWireProcessingEquipment, #Brecon

Location :
603 US-10, Ludington, Michigan 49431
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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