The Hope Center is a non-profit community church located in Culver City, CA. Our desire is to serve the greater Los Angeles area and local communities. [read more]
We are the Kids Ministry of Peninsula Christian Center and we are dedicated to bringing Jesus to kids in fun and exciting ways!. [read more]
Vintage Church Malibu: Making disciples that make disciples; planting churches that plant churches. [read more]
Ministerios Casa De Adoracion Del Dios Viviente is a church, located at 2424 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018. [read more]
We are located at 12 Brennan St in the Watsonville Woman Club Building. Doors open at 9 a. m for set-up. Our Worship Service begins at 10 a. m. We are a denomination of Grace Communion International. [read more]
In cooperation with the Calvary Chapel Church Planting Network, ( http://calvarychurchplanting. org ) and Calvary of the Siskiyous in Yreka, Calvary Scott Valley is a new church plant in progress. [read more]
Victory Chapel of Live Oak is a body of Believers that are Spirit Filled and Spirit Led. We Love God with all of our hearts and Love People because all of us are made in His image. [read more]
Our mission is to equip people to grow their faith by connecting to God and others while reaching out with love. . [read more]
A growing Christian family that honors tradition and proclaims the Word while caring for and welcoming all. . [read more]
Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,.. [read more]
Nourished by God's Word and the Body and Blood of Christ, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Proclaim as our mission: To know our faith, To live by truth and love, To serve the needs of others, To teach.. [read more]
Creemos en la doctrina de los apostoles y profetas. Hechos 2:38 We believe in the doctrine of the apostles & prophets. Acts 2:38. [read more]
Somos una congregacion Pentecostes, localizada en Fallbrook para la necesidad Espirutal de las personas, y familias en nuestra comunidad. Creemos en la muerte y resureccion de nuestro.. [read more]
Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of San Bernardino. . [read more]
Welcome to the official page for Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish in Sacramento - Bienvenidos a la pagina oficial de la Parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo en Sacramento!. [read more]
Independent Fundamental Mission Minded Bible Believing Baptist Church. [read more]
La finalidad de nuestra iglesia es llevar el evangelio de Jesucristo a todas las naciones por medio de las redes sociales. . [read more]
Somos una Iglesia que alaba el nombre de Dios y nos reunimos para dar a conocer las Buenas Nuevas de Salvacion, si crees que tienes problemas ven y adora c. [read more]
We are a church-planting ministry that exists To PREACH the gospel, to TEACH the Bible, to REACH the world. . [read more]
We are a community of Mongolian immigrants where we encourage one another to engage in weekly worship services, fellowship through small groups, and find places in which to serve one another,.. [read more]
St. Nicholas Youth Group is an active organization of teenagers and young adults from the St. Nicholas Parish located in Laguna Woods, CA. . [read more]
We are a church that is committed to loving God, loving each other and loving our community. If you don't have a local church that you attend regularly, we invite you to come and visit us. [read more]
Trinity Lutheran Church-Fairfield is a church, located at 2075 Dover Ave, Fairfield, California 94533. They can be contacted via phone at +17074252944 for more detailed information. [read more]
We see a need to gather young married couples together; Those that are in a similar season of life, to help encourage one another and to continue building healthy marriages that are fruitful and.. [read more]
Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Jeremiah 33:6. [read more]
PBA Kids is the kids ministry at The Pentecostals of The Bay Area. This is our web page to help kids receive information learn more about God!. [read more]
Apostle Michael Galletta, a native of San Francisco, CA, enrolled in School of Ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church, Saratoga, CA in April 1988, and interned as a disciple for five years under.. [read more]
A group of married couples in their 30's to 40's with younger children who love Jesus, love serving Him, and enjoy being together. . [read more]
Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church exists with the sole aim of glorifying God through the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ in our area and the world. [read more]
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is passionate about forming communities on college campuses. Every person is invited to join us just as they are. Let's talk about faith, spread the love of.. [read more]
The Catholic Community in Pacific Grove, California. . [read more]
LIberty Baptist Church of Quartz Hill is a church, located at 4829 W Avenue L8, Lancaster, California 93536. They can be contacted via phone at +16619433153 for more detailed information. [read more]
Monday Night In The Word on Facebook Live, was the 1998 birth of our online ministry. Since then we have launched Dwayne Omarr’s Advancing The Kingdom Podcast which is available on Spotify,.. [read more]
Nuestra vision es ser la iglesia que proclama a Jesucristo como Señor y Salvador y la vida abundante que El ofrece a quien le reconoce como Salvador arrepintiendose de sus pecados. [read more]
This page was created to provide information, find volunteers and share memories, for and from St. Mary’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner in Sanger, Ca. [read more]
Iglesia Apostolica Nueva Vida de Milpitas Pastor Miguel Agredano Plasencia 21 años de ministerio. [read more]